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    • Rotation
      Rotation replied to the thread Brewzilla gen 4.1?.
      I know I bought one from you. It comes in the kit like the Chubby`s and the Fermzilla`s. You stick it on the sight glass so you can see...
    • Rotation
      Rotation replied to the thread Brewzilla gen 4.1?.
      Anyone in the UK interested TMM has a sale on Brewzilla Gen 4.1`s £439
    • Rotation
      Rotation replied to the thread flippin raging I am.
      Plastic barrels leak! Corny kegs don`t!
    • Rotation
      Rotation replied to the thread Brewzilla gen 4.1?.
      I think I have seen them on The net. Its only a stick on measure but it sure makes life a lot easier.
    • Rotation
      Rotation replied to the thread Brewzilla gen 4.1?.
      I got the 4.1 from TMM and the only difference I could see was that it comes with a stick on measure for the sight glass so that you can...
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