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    • Sandimas
      I do it on the hob and pour it into the FV through a big sieve, works for me, never had a problem in over 200 brews. BTW if your stock...
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas replied to the thread Flowers on hops not cones?.
      I don't usually even start looking at my hops until late August, the cones develop very late and rapidly. So I've just had a look at my...
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas replied to the thread have beer kits improved?.
      Been there got the T shirt....Boots lager kit in the airing cupboard, exploding bottles, tasted rank but it was cheap beer.:D I do...
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas replied to the thread Extract to start.
      I did extract brewing for a few years before moving to AG. I guess it depends what you mean by "extract brewing": mine was LME/DME +...
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas replied to the thread Batemans Dark M.
      Its common to add some Black Malt if you want to darken a beer, i do it often: even a small amount will make a big difference. Adding...
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas reacted to RichardM's post in the thread Home brewing books for beginners with Like Like. Homebrew Beer by Greg...
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas replied to the thread Malt Miller Landlord recipe.
      Landlord is one of those bitters from the 80s (or maybe earlier), there were only a few hop varieties around back then - most beers had...
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas replied to the thread Farts.
      Funny you should say that, I used to reckon 6X was the best laxative available. Didn't happen with any other beer, just 6X, so have...
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas reacted to starseeker's post in the thread Wye Valley HPA with Like Like.
      I have recently brewed this Butty Bach clone ,using WHC Old English yeast ,and it is delicious ,
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas replied to the thread Wye Valley HPA.
      Yes, I remember Freeminer, used to serve it in some Forest of Dean pubs I frequented, they also did bottle-conditioned brews for Co Op...
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas replied to the thread Wye Valley HPA.
      I only used CML Ale because that's all I had left, S-04 or Nottingham will be fine.
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas replied to the thread Wye Valley HPA.
      That's a good idea, I might do the same: a Galaxy pale ale is next on my list to brew.
    • Sandimas
      I've been tweaking this recipe since visiting the brewery some years ago, think I've finally got close so happy to share. Target can be...
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas replied to the thread Unpourable!.
      Yes, apologies. I kinda hjacked the thread. Whenever I've got these in the past, it has seemed to be an infection. And it always occurs...
    • Sandimas
      Sandimas replied to the thread Unpourable!.
      I've really never understood the need for cabonation calcs for homebrewers, seems a bit overkill to me: I do for commercial brewers, but...
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