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    • stripeyjoe
      stripeyjoe replied to the thread Grainfather G40.
      It’s great for either overnight mash and/or setting the timer so it heats the water up whilst you’re having your toast. I often prep...
    • stripeyjoe
      26l of, hopefully, a Munich Dunkel. Just trying to get the bugger down to 10C before pitching. 4408 litres total
    • stripeyjoe
      stripeyjoe replied to the thread BREW2BOTTLE.
      I bought my Apollo stainless steel FV from them and all was good.
    • stripeyjoe
      stripeyjoe reacted to thehitch's post in the thread Overnight mash on a grainfather? with Like Like.
      I've used the same approach as @stripeyjoe mentioned, mainly to get a head start on a double brew-day. I ran to mash out and then...
    • stripeyjoe
      25l of an Oakham Citra clone 4231l total
    • stripeyjoe
      Are you doing an overnight step mash or a single temp? If a step then I would programme in all the steps, let it run through until the...
    • stripeyjoe
      stripeyjoe replied to the thread Death by cycle..
      As you were the one on his side of the road shouldn’t you be giving way?
    • stripeyjoe
      stripeyjoe reacted to Frisp's post in the thread Death by cycle. with Like Like.
      Nope no law breaking with the peleton. While a peleton can look like a rolling roadblock its considered a safer option for both...
    • stripeyjoe
      stripeyjoe replied to the thread Death by cycle..
      Third party cycle insurance is cheap as chips, you generally get it for free by joining a cycling club, I’ve got mine for joining the...
    • stripeyjoe
      stripeyjoe replied to the thread Vegans.
      I’d hope that they would see the washing is out and not light it until later.
    • stripeyjoe
      stripeyjoe replied to the thread Vegans.
      They are not telling them what they can and cannot eat, they are asking that they stop filling the air with a BBQ stink. I would be the...
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