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  1. atco_91

    OG too low

    I always do a full volume mash and always hit my numbers (that's a debate for another thread). Unfortunately this time due to do a slight misread I've missed the recipe's OG by some margin. Aiming for 1.050 and got 1.041. Googling is telling me to adjust with DME (which I don't have to hand)...
  2. atco_91

    Is 16g co2 enough

    So I've got myself a 10 litre mini keg from Darkfarm. I understand that the 16g co2 cartridge may not be enough to carbonate the whole 10L but can I still achieve force carbonation if I change the cartridge as and when they empty (I assume 2 if 1 is enough for 5l) and then reduce the pressure...
  3. atco_91

    Cooling coil leak / Overnight cool down

    Not that I have another choice but seeking reassurance. My cooling coil has developed a leak I can't seem to fix. Google results are telling me not to panic, rack the wort and leave overnight in an airtight FV (which I have). Can someone please tell me this "should" be ok, so long as I do my...
  4. atco_91

    Brewferm kegs...Again?

    Hi all, I've done some searching and can see this topic has been discussed but my questions haven't quite been answered. Mini Keg Starters Kit by BREWFERM - Get Er Brewed - These are what I am interested in. I have used mini kegs before and for some styles I prefer them over bottling for...
  5. atco_91

    Explosive Primary?

    Hi all, I'm brewing a GEB Belfast Brown Ale recipe. Fermentation got off to a good start and was very active. I got home today after work to find the airlock full of what looked like krausen (or remnants off). I removed the airlock wiped it and the top of the FV down, sanitised and replaced...
  6. atco_91


    Who do you use/recommend for UK all grain suppliers? Currently I use Get er. Brewed, the All grain kits are very good and come with some guidance which is great for me as I am still relatively fresh to this. As good as the service is the delivery is feels somewhat expensive. Any...
  7. atco_91

    First Brew with Brewmonk

    Hello everyone! I've introduced myself and had my location pinned to map - What an excellent feature by the way!! I've done a few all grain brews using the brew in the bag method, but the batches were small (5L). I've now invested in new equipment so I can continue to learn and brew larger...
  8. atco_91

    HELLO from Sussex

    Hi all, I've been making small amounts of homebrew for a short while and have just ordered a few things to upscale my hobby. My main focus right now is to get used to the new equipment and batch sizes and also have a look at water chemistry. Any tips around that will be gratefully received, I...