a bit of "the process" help please

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Active Member
Apr 3, 2013
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Hey all,

Just wondered if people could help me out for a second.

Ive brewed my lager the best I can, moved it to secondary for a while to clear up, bottled it and then put it in the loft for a few weeks.

Whats next?

Does this now need to be moved into a fridge or to a spare room that is slightly cooler?

My only issue is that I dont have much fridge space and worried that the spare room will be too warm due to the recent weather?

cheers for any help if possible
Ideally, after primary fermentation is complete and done at proper lager temps, you'd want to move it into secondary for actual lagering at around 3 or 4C for an extended period. After that, you are free to bottle and let it condition a bit and drink!

So at the point you are at, it should be well carbonated so just move it to a cooler area and start to drink them.
I unfortunately cannot "Lager" my lager as I dont have the conditions or equiptment to do this so its been a "lager" style ale i suppose that i have been brewing.

I cracked one straight from the loft yesterday and boy it was carbonated ( like drinking fizzy pop ) however it was not very nice, maybe down to being so warm.

Ive put one in the fridge to test in a few days which may end up being tonight but didnt know if I should leave them in the loft or move them down to the spare room.

The bit where you leave it warm for a couple of weeks, would this do harm if it was left there longer or should i just move to the cool now the job is done?
Yeah, doing a proper lager takes a bit off effort and a bit more gear. The low temps are what help to give lagers that crisp clean flavour. But, we work with what we have available right?

I would move them to the cooler area now because they are quite carbonated. Depending on how much sugar you added and if they are done carbonating, you could end up with exploding bottles. That's a worst case scenario and probably not likely. But keeping them warm encourages that, if they were not done ferementing yet. My vote is move them now.