Adding fruit syrups to kit cider?

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Active Member
Feb 13, 2014
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This has probably been asked loads of times but here goes !

I have been given a Kilner Cider kit from someone at work who received it for a Christmas present but doesn't want it.The question I want to ask is there anyway I can get a fruit flavour into it so that I can still prime it at the enqd to carbonate the bottles!
Will priming it with the Polish Syrups from tesco work adding flavour,also to make it slightly sweeter can I also add Splenda at the same time!
Sorry lots if questions!
I would test it before you add sweetener, the kits sometimes come with it already added.

A good option is to add some / or all apple juice instead of water and reduce the sugar you add (if any is added?) based on the amount of sugar in the juice.

I have used the polish syrups in to a secondary fermenter with Turbo cider which worked quite well, maybe you could get yourself a few 5L water bottles from the supermarket to batch prime in too and have a couple of different options.