Just ordered my DE razor

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I'm going to get an alum block I think, could be a pretty usefull thing to have around I think.
Alum and styptic pencils are a little different. Alum is an astringent and acts as an aftershave, it will stop small nicks weeping but a bleeder really needs a styptic pencil. Boots sell them for a few quit, or at least they used to.
Crastney said:
I'm shaving less frequently - about once every week and a half to two weeks, and use Gillette senser excell (or somthing like that) - I find a pack of five lasts me several months, as I use the same blade/head for several shaves until it gets to the point where it's pulling hair out rather than cutting it off. I personally can't see the point in spending money on double edge blade shaver.... but I do use a badger brush and proper soap! - go figure.

I found with Sensor and Machs I need at least 2 shaves a week, I did recently leave it for 2 weeks and it was very itchy, ginger and grey mixed in, I start looking like Grizzly Adams if I didn't. :D

Going from nearly £2 a blade at 50p a shave, to 13p a blade and 4p a shave was a no brainer for me, and for some reason, it feels more satisfying, and feels closer and lasts longer.

Agree on the Taylor's of bond streets stuff, I been using them, lasts a good while, and plenty of fragrances to pick from, and feels a lot better than shaving gel
sam the blades are in the post. happy shaving and dont blame me for any cuts :lol:
your a gentleman, I will have to send you a pint at some point :)
sam.k said:
your a gentleman, I will have to send you a pint at some point :)

i might take you up on that one day. :cheers: i nearly sent you some of the pre war blades iv got. but they would have taken you face off in chunks :shock:
OK, I've read a few of these threads about the 'old' safety razors, here an on other forums.

I like the idea of shaving for less money, not that Mach 3 blades cost me a lot in the scheme of things (1 ever 3 weeks or so), I also like the idea of 'proper' shaving, with the badger brush and 'real' blades, I do not fancy the idea of a cut throat razor (elf n safety, cut throat plus hung over shakes = rich widow) though, so....

What is a reasonable razor for a DE (see, I'm learning the lingo already) noob to start off with? what do the numbers mean in relation to shaves? Will it effect my life insurance renewal (see shaking hand due to hang over)?

Two of the three questions above are serious, while I doubt it will save me a lot, it might add to my shaving satisfaction in the way going AG added to my brewing satisfaction despite kit beers tasting good and getting me drunk :D
IMO Edwin Jager DE 89 or any one of the range they all have the same head, its just the handle that differs. Errr what numbers?
I'd agree with the Edwin Jager 89 . . . .

The numbers apply to adjustable razors . . .which for a noob are not really required. . . .again the KISS principle applies, stick with one razor, one type of blade and one cream/soap work with it until you are comfortable . .then change 1 thing . . .work with it . . .then try something else. . . .The problem with an adjustable is that it throws one more thing to change into the mix.

Having said that I wouldn't be without my adjustable Merkur Futur . . . where it goes from 1 (Aggressive) right up to 6 (Downright Vicious).

I am still looking for a vintage Gillette TTO Adjustable though
I just grew a beard! Much cheaper and easier! Mind, for trimming and tidying, I use a cut throat razor. Quite easy to keep an edge on it if you keep it stropped and show it the oilstones every now and then.

That said, I keep my collection of bushcraft knives and axes as well as my chisels and planes quite literally shaving sharp - some may say I'm a bit fastidious about my blades.... No point having a blunt blade though! The kids at work are always fascinated that I can use an axe to shave with!
Aleman said:
I'd agree with the Edwin Jager 89 . . . .

The numbers apply to adjustable razors . . .which for a noob are not really required. . . .again the KISS principle applies, stick with one razor, one type of blade and one cream/soap work with it until you are comfortable . .then change 1 thing . . .work with it . . .then try something else. . . .The problem with an adjustable is that it throws one more thing to change into the mix.

Having said that I wouldn't be without my adjustable Merkur Futur . . . where it goes from 1 (Aggressive) right up to 6 (Downright Vicious).

I am still looking for a vintage Gillette TTO Adjustable though

Thank you, makes sense in the context now I know what it;s all about.

I'll have a gander for a nice fixed position razor then, see how I get one with that :)
beermaker said:
No point having a blunt blade though!

Sharper blades are safer, especially in the kitchen. Sharper blades need less pressure to cut through things, so you're less likely to slip and have an accident.
Tim_Crowhurst said:
beermaker said:
No point having a blunt blade though!

Sharper blades are safer, especially in the kitchen. Sharper blades need less pressure to cut through things, so you're less likely to slip and have an accident.

thats very true. i wont cook with a blunt blade not sure why any one want to shave with one. on that note i must order and try some feathers :pray:

iv just got a order of croma (3.50 for 20) and dorco (4.90 for 50) not a clue what they are like but thats 70 blades for the cost on 4 cartages
I have a razor which takes the Feather single edge blades and use the Super Pro's they are very sharp indeed and last an age, I have tried the Feather DE's but to me the 1st shave is rough the 2nd comfortable and the 3rd the blade is on the way out so they are not a blade which suits me.
iceo said:
on that note i must order and try some feathers :pray:
PM me your address and I'll drop some in the post. . . . Just to say you have been warned . . .I am not responsible for you turning your face into mincemeat !!!
Aleman said:
iceo said:
on that note i must order and try some feathers :pray:
PM me your address and I'll drop some in the post. . . . Just to say you have been warned . . .I am not responsible for you turning your face into mincemeat !!!

thank you aleman. im not sure my paker 22 will be up to scratch to use feathers
Well mines arrived, I'm going out tonight and am questioning the wisdom of taking it for a test drive before going out in public.

Hopefully I don't flay my face to bad