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I'd never thought about monitoring the output of the sparge water. Will do this next time.

I'm lead to believe that these models come with a temperature correction strip.

Two metals that differ in expantion under heat. As to adjust the lens.

I always put an ambient sample on the lens.

I think I can find good use for this. And it was free!!!!

Its great for monitoring sparge, I monitor first runnings by taking a sample from the tap flow into pipette and cooling. If you want you can monitor every 5/10 minutes depending on flow rate and it may not change much.
there will come a point maybe 20-30 mins where there is a big drop of PG and at this point you can increase the flow rate of sparge and keep monitoring until the next big drop.
its really helpful getting close to the end as readings approach 2 -2.5 brix, time to stop. Mix all of the runnnings well and take a reading to establish total gravity extract pre boil and similarly post boil. Great tool easy to use.