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wrapped in bacon

Active Member
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
I'm sure that should be the advice given to us newbies! :thumb:

The answer to any question should be 'and...........just give it time'

Looking back I seem to have asked, on the forum and the lounge, what were at the time desperately important questions to me as I was panicking but.......

1) why isn't it fermenting - it will but not yet
2) why isn't it clearing - ditto
3) why does it look weird - it won't tomorrow
4) I've hashed up and put too much xyz in the beer - it'll be fine
4) why, why, why - tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, worry not

It definitely seems to be the solution :hmm:

I had a stab at a Belgium Wheat AG on Sunday - all looking good so far :party:
Even treated myself to some Weizen beer glasses - you have to do things properly :lol:

This AG brewing lark is fantastic - I left a mate with two bottles of oatmeal stout on Monday. He rang today to give his appraisal - he was disappointed that I'd only left two bottles :drunk:

My biggest problem now is what to brew next! :hmm:
You seem to have got the hang of it. :thumb: I soon learned that there are only three rules in brewing
1. Keep everything Clean
2. Don't Worry
3. Keep everything Clean
and the final and most important rule:

Did I say three rules. Oops. But by following the above rules to the letter you can understand the answers you got to your questions, and the excellent results you have achieved. :clap: :cheers:
I am still very much a beginner but I think its the same with any new hobby you start. Your unsure what to do what to expect but with a helpful forum you always end up going in the right direction. Give it 3 years and you will wonder what you were worrying about! What did people do before the interweb! Just more trial and error I suppose. This and other forums have certainly helped me and put my mind at rest quite a few times.

GS :drink: