What's your real name?

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Nov 12, 2014
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If it's not obvious from your handle or sign off?

We're all friends (I think this is the most idiot free forum on t'internet), let's get on first name terms.

My real name is Alberto.
Hi Alberto, I'm Bruce Wayne, but you'll know my better as Batman.

I also have a third pseudonym that I use for everyday life. My work and the government think I'm called Jamie Walton (Notlaw is Walton backwards).

Ow do...
Hunt, first name Isaac.

I can't believe I've never heard that before.

I have a work colleague who claims he went to school with a Sri Lankan lad called Japoo Japanty.

I also have a client who reckons he had a school mate called Russel Sprout.
I can't believe I've never heard that before.

I have a work colleague who claims he went to school with a Sri Lankan lad called Japoo Japanty.

I also have a client who reckons he had a school mate called Russel Sprout.

True story, I worked with a guy whose neighbours surname was Pipe and they called their son Dwayne.

That's child cruelty if ever I saw it.
True story, I worked with a guy whose neighbours surname was Pipe and they called their son Dwayne.

That's child cruelty if ever I saw it.

My cousin teaches in Wales and had a pupil whose parents deliberately named her Rhia Lydiate. They need locking up.
My first job was in a hospital and I worked in the medical records department. This was before records were kept electronically. Along with the medical records a set of stickers would be produced to put on things like medication. I had a colleague who would nick a sticker of anyone with a funny name and put it in a note book. I remember a Mary Christmas and Mental Health Dr called Dr D'eath
This is veering towards Nominative Determinism (well known to Private Eye readers I guess)
I cannot resist adding that, as a biologist working in the field of sea fisheries, the chairman for a long time was Dr. Fish. I hope he isn't reading this as it really annoyed him!
For the benefit of any anti-vivisectionists, I can absolutely confirm that we did not doctor the fish. Our aim was for them to lead a free and normal life :smile: Well, until eaten of course - but that's not an abnormal life outcome for many fish unless the'ye near the top of the food pyramid!

Apologies, Alberto Spartacus, for deviating from your OP
All the best
Bill Cook
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Well, reading between the lines, I think his real name is Alberto Spartacus.
But it could be a wind-up :-(

If I was going to make up a name it wouldn't be Gareth. Though like I'm every Welshman I'm happy to advertise my nationality at every opportunity, so can't grumble that my name does just that.

My missus is half Italian though so Alberto isn't uncommon in the extended family.