Trump v Biden.

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Biden wins Wisconsin, CNN and AP project
CNN, CBS, Fox and the Associated Press are projecting Biden has won the state of Wisconsin. The BBC is waiting for more votes to be counted.
I am just hoping that Biden will manage to eak out a win, bit from the looks of things ot really is too close to call (and could take weeks).
And they have some wierd system with 'colleges'
so just because the state voted one way, doesn't mean they give all the states votes to the winner

At least I think thats what someone tried to explain to me
There's a saying "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me." So shame on the US electorate if Trump wins after 220k deaths from Covid.
It's real easy to armchair quarterback this corona virus thing.

Truth is, it's not in the presidents job description to fix everything. Per the constitution he's the chief executive and commander in chief of the armed forces, that's it.

Also, in New York, Mario Cuomo, Bill Deblasio, and even Nancy Pelosi were telling people to ignore the orange man and his scare tactics.They said to go out, get dinner, see a show, this is no worse than the flu. When Trump stopped travel from China all these liberals started screaming Trump's a racist, doesn't like yellow people.

Then they flipped and forgot everything they said and recommended and started blaming Trump.
If anyone's still reading at this time it still looks the same ish as when I last posted but only 4 swing states undecided Trump needs them all, has almost certainly 3 but Biden still has a small lead in Nevada.
2 million postal votes left! 70% are for Biden so he gets the win fails in the Senate and we're back to the Obama days. We can enjoy watching the Orangeman dummy spit for the next 6 week; then!??
Looks like the Corupt Senile old Man has beaten the Corupt Lunatic old man .

Let the chaos unfold.

My brother lives over there, he is over the moon Biden won! although he thinks the far left are far more dangerous violent and extreme where he is than the far right and there is just going to be so much unrest now
BBC showing Biden 245
I am not sure if BBC is slow or just not reporting until somethings more firm.

Google shows Biden 264 like @simon12 says what I can see is it rests on Nevada with Biden leading and the majority of votes to come in likely to be for Dems..

If however that does for some weird reason swing the other way and we have seen it , then Trump is still in it

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