Beer Enhancers and Priming Bottles

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Active Member
Sep 20, 2010
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I've decided to turn my hand to making a Cooper' Australian Pale Ale from a kit. This'll be the first beer (not counting ginger beer!) I've ever made and I've read that I need to use Cooper's Beer Enhancer instead of sugar, as it gives it a better taste. Is this necessary, or will I get acceptabe results using plain old granualted sugar?

I'm also a bit concerned about what to do with it after its fermented out. I've collected a load of 450ml Grolsh bottles and intend to prime them. Would I use normal sugar for this and if so how much would I need to use per 450ml bottle?

Cheers All... :cheers:
just use granulated sugar, I've made a few coopers kits, they are all drinkable but none have had a 'great body' or a smooth head which the brew enhancers claim to do, either that or im just shecht at making them!
i think the going rate for priming is 1/2 a teaspoon per 500ml. I usually just buy the coopers carbonation drops as its alot easier and alot less mess IMO.u can either prime each individual bottle which would be a killer otherwise 'batch prime' by dissolving sugar in water, theres been loads of threads on this, use the search button up on the right hand side for more detailed explanations from the experienced guys.
hope that helps.

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