Brewdog 5am Saint.

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Easy Peasie

Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
Wakefield, West Yorks
A pub in Wakefield (fernandes) has this on draught, now it is a really lovely beer but £3.90 a pint. Glad I only go out once a month or so and really glad I brew my own. :thumb:
Wow! Saint is a peach of a beer but at near four quid a pint even I'd probably think twice...
you know.....when I were a lad....£4 would have bought the down payment on a Ford Cortina a mucky weekend in Cleethorpes, and a fish supper for two !


well you can still get a weekend in Cleethorpes for that...
yeah this craft beers getting pricy one pub at mines sellin beer in 1/3 pints so they can charge £2+ (goes to 3.10 for some) for glorified tasters- what used to be considered a perk of going to a pub has been reveres-ed on us :eek: -had to brew my own on principle like :cheers:
Considering 5am Saint is about £2 a bottle (330ml) in the supermarket, £3.90 for 568ml isn't that bad a deal.

If I now brewed a clone of the 5 am Saint on the new shiny brewery (yet to be started & finished although all items waiting in garage for me to start) a 75l brew would give 158.5 pints @ £3.90 per pint = £618.15. I have therefore covered the cost of the new brewery in one brew and that is how I shall justify it to SWMBO when she realises how much I have spent. :lol:
Like your reasoning......

It probably wont work though. :D

But what the heck, I've never understood the reasoning with women about changing the colour of their hair every week, or their need to have different handbags for every month that's got an " r " in it. So who are they to expect us men to have any justifications for the important things in life, or for what we do.

I had a bottle (33cl) of Brewdog Hardcore IPA on Sunday at the new fish & chip shop - very nice but at 7,20 € a bottle I only had one and then switched to bottled Bass IPA.

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