brewing related injuries

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Jan 5, 2015
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So we all know someone in work who's had a day off because of too much sauce the night before but have any of you been injured whilst brewing? - :oops:

maybe our misfortunes will help the new members not to repeat our mistakes. :doh:

as a starter for 10 - i've done my back in lifting 21 litres of beer and also jammed my finger under the same full fv.
After carrying 35 bottles from the secondary fermentation zone in the attic to the conditioning area in the cellar - I'm now wearing a knee strap and limping after aggravating my runners knee..!
as a starter for 10 - i've done my back in lifting 21 litres of beer and also jammed my finger under the same full fv.

my back is gone too, after liftin a 25 liters carboy to the cellar,
then I cut a finger cleaning a glass that broke.
I suffered multiple tiny cuts from a bottle bomb going off above my head in the kitchen. Mainly from the clean up rather than the actual bomb luckily!
when I first got my 50l pot I had some boiling water in it which I drained out on the ball tap forgetting my foot was there .. I did have old trainers on but it went through to my sock
I find the cheaper white fvs with no metal handles and inbuilt plastic handles so much safer to lift.

As for injuries small burns and exhaustion are a few that spring to mind
as i am a carefull brewer, i don't have accidents:nono::whistle:
I do however get very weary after a couple of brews, welllllllll i am an OAP:(
Personally, no. But I do remember my Dad, back in the 1960s, being very lucky indeed when we were both getting into brewing.
We'd boiled up a brew - I think it was about 4gals - and put it into some type of small plastic dustbin. Before it had cooled properly, Dad tried to lift it up into a cupboard. He hadn't realised that the plastic would soften so much - fortunately most of the beer went in the opposite direction. He did have some scalding down his chest, though. A salutary lesson!!
The brew before last the boiler just came to the boil and a glob of wort shot out and straight up my sleeve - gave me quite a nasty burn. I do wish these Ace boilers had a `volume' control on them so you could turn the current to the element down when it starts boiling. Mines a 1500watt element and it's just a tad too violent when it's actually boiling.
I haven't, but I'm always nervous about moving the post boil pot from the stove top to the draining board to cool it. The pot and chiller are heavy enough, without 20 odd litres of liquid in it. Not helped by the fact I'm a wimp!
as i am a carefull brewer, i don't have accidents:nono::whistle:
I do however get very weary after a couple of brews, welllllllll i am an OAP:(

keep up the good work. As a mark of respect to those less fortunate I've decide not to like any posts where injuries have occurred! I don't want to laugh at the expense of my fellow forumites :grin:

well, ok apart from any krausen overflow incidents!
I once accidentally poured hot wort over my dads hand whilst he was holding the sieve to catch the hops.

I haven't managed to injure myself yet (there's always time) but after a few home brews at a friends house last week I did manage to walk square into a wall. I've still got the egg on my head. I also managed to arrive home with no shoes on. :doh:
The brew before last the boiler just came to the boil and a glob of wort shot out and straight up my sleeve - gave me quite a nasty burn. I do wish these Ace boilers had a `volume' control on them so you could turn the current to the element down when it starts boiling. Mines a 1500watt element and it's just a tad too violent when it's actually boiling.

If you're handy and know the rules about electricity well enough to make mains powered stuff that won't kill people, you can make a power controller using those electric cooker power controllers. I think they are called 'simmer stats' or something of the sort. A stirdy insulated project box with a power socket mounted on it and a simmer stat in it with a knob on the front with a power cord coming out the back ending in a nice three pin plug would do the trick Cwrw. You can plug in teh lead and then plug your Ace into the socket with the simmerstat in between. That should control it fine. Those simmer what nots can control a big fat ring on an electric cooker so you can surely find one to manage your 1.6KW element. Mine is 2.6KW or thereabouts and it boils like some torture vat in Hell. It is almost volcanic during the boil, especially when you get the hot break and for a few minutes after putting in the Protoflock stuff.
as i am a carefull brewer, i don't have accidents:nono::whistle:
I do however get very weary after a couple of brews, welllllllll i am an OAP:(
Strangely, I had you down as a sprightly 20 year old...DOH:doh: