Bulldog, Evil Dog Double IPA

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I got rather giddy. I kegged mine. And kept having tastes pretty much as soon as I'd took it out of the warm. And it tasted good then. So the fact I was amazed if made something that tasty I found it hard to leave alone. I started it in October. And drank prob half of it before I realised it getting better. The hop taste became more mellow I found and a smooth drink. Prob by mid December. I've got about Prob below a 3rd of keg left now but having a dry Jan! Stupid I know!! But had a wee taste last night and it was bloody lovely!!! I can't wait till first of feb to polish it off. Mrs got me another lot of it for Christmas. Yippee!!! So I'd say from 2/3 months onwards it gets better. My local shop where I sampled it before buying had it kegged for 10 month. And that tasted rather good too!!!
I'm new to this really. Did a lot years ago and it was terrible!! But gave it another go and glad I did!! Not sure what it like bottled. But kegged ive clearly got lucky and the carbonation is perfect.
Glad yours turned out so well :cheers:
Mine still tastes very 'green' after 5 weeks bottled so it's encouraging to know it'll improve. I've read several posts that say this kit really does take a while to reach it's best so I'm determined to resist temptation! :evil:
I brewed it as per the instructions did a hop tea on day 5 lobbed that in then kegged it after about 12 days. My first real brew this. But having since discovered this forum ive read people had it fermenting a good few weeks. So if I did mine too early who knows. But it's damn good to drink. Weather bottle makes a difference to it kegged I'm unsure. But resist the urge to drink it.
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This is my evil dog IPA now. I'd say that is a very clear cloud free drink. And can honestly say it is one of the nicest beers I've drank. I've succumbed to a dry Jan having a cheeky half after work. About a 3rd of keg left. So looking forward to Feb and finishing it off. Got another kit of it off the Mrs for Xmas. Bonus!!
Bbb, yours looks so much better than mine. How long did you condition it for?
I'm drinking another right now, 6.5 weeks after bottling,. It tastes 'ok' but it's still 'raw', cloudy and has no head. Carbonation is weak despite batch priming with 120g of sugar, which I was afraid would be too much. The colour of mine is also much lighter than yours, more like lager.
I may have to write this one off as a first brew disappointment.
I did mine with 150g its carbonated fine for me. I started it mid/late October. Kegged it after about 10 days. Lobbed the sugar in left it warm for 10 days. Then put it in porch to chill. I polished it off at weekend. It's rocket fuel!! Had a poker night and was bladdered!! Good fun but my recollection of end of evening is nil. Lol.
Not sure if you bottled or kegged yours. But mine kegged is damn good. Going to be getting next batch of it on the go tomoz. Yippee!! See what that one turns out like. Same I hope!!
I'm three days into to this brew, which is my second. The FV in a bedroom at a steady 20 degrees. The thing is, unlike my first brew, which was Woodfordes Wherry, this has hardly any krausen / head on the top. However, it is bubbling away like a good'un! Is this normal?
Don't recall mine having anything amazing sat on top either which I was a little dubious about. But all worked out ok in the end. Was my 2nd brew also.
Same with mine, very sedate activity. This kit also seems to take much longer to ferment than the instructions suggest, three weeks isn't unusual and mine took nearly a month.
Thanks chaps. I'll let this beast bubble away until it gets fed up. No rush........
My Evil Dog has been in the FV 2 weeks today, I put the hops in yesterday as it states to put them in 1-2 days before barrelling, the FG was down to 1003 from 1060 giving about 7.35%, I was just wondering wether to barrel it today as I've got time as a pose to tomorrow, do you think it would make much difference hop wise? Would it be hoppier if I did it today?
If they are hop pellets then I'd probably want to give them three days or so.

I think there's a misconception regarding dry hopping: the aroma only begins to diminish weeks after dry hopping. Perhaps people are confusing dry-hopping with adding hops during a boil, where earlier additions see more of the volatile aromatic oils boil off, and so are less aromatic, and more for just bittering.
Thanks, I've actually transferred it to the PB now! I gave the hop bags a good squeeze to get all the goodness out, just got to play the waiting game now until it's ready, should be ok though as I've got about 18 pints of Golden Stag and 40 pints of Razorback IPA to tide me over! :)
Mines been in the PB for just under 2 weeks now, I poured 1/2 a pint of it yesterday and it's clear and looks good....but still tastes rank?!!
Almost like fruity mouthwash?!
Hopefully it'll improve in the coming weeks as don't really want to chuck it away.
Is there some brewing sugar in this to bump up the ABV? The reviews sound good, but I don't really want a 8 or 9% beer. Was thinking I could leave some sugar out.