FV in budget keg or bin?

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New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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hi, im new to brewing just about to start my second brew before my first is gone, im planning the coopers mexican cerveza.

my question is that i want to bottle this lager so i can keep it cold so im wondering what will be best to ferment it in....

either my budget keg because it has a tap on the bottom easier for bottling but will be sealed with no airlock,


my fv bin which has an airlock but no tap! what would be the best permutation??

many thanks

Ferment in FV . . . after 10 days when finished transfer via syphon to Budget keg with 2oz of sugar in 100ml of boiled water, seal keg, gently shake to mix . . . . bottle from tap . . . sorted
I have 3 fermetation buckets one has a hole drilled in to fit a Little bottler, it works a treat, Put the priming sugar/malt into the bucket with the tap on then, syphon the beer from your bucket your using to ferment it in (this leave's sediment behind) turn on the tap and bottle, theres no need to keep turning on and off the tap as its got a auto cut off, which saves alot of time!! and for under a £5 its great!

my fv bin which has an airlock but no tap! what would be the best permutation??

Fit a tap and use a little bottling stick as dandan mentions. A small piece fo 1/2" tube (pet shop aquarium tube) will fit nicely over the tap and onto the bottling stick :thumb:
Vossy1 said:
my fv bin which has an airlock but no tap! what would be the best permutation??

Fit a tap and use a little bottling stick as dandan mentions. A small piece fo 1/2" tube (pet shop aquarium tube) will fit nicely over the tap and onto the bottling stick :thumb:

The little bottler system comes with a tap, so you just need to drill a hole :D :thumb:
You can get the bottling stick separate if you've already got a tap though.

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