HAMBLETONBARD Better Brew Export Lager - WOW!!

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Jan 9, 2012
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Bought this today, comes in a vac pac rather than a tin can - enviro friendly and all that. Apparently Hambleton Bard have put a lot of effort into this, anyone tried it?

Keep us posted on how that goes oldstout!

I started that other thread and I'm thinking of doing some different lagers for the summer.
calumscott said:
Keep us posted on how that goes oldstout!

I started that other thread and I'm thinking of doing some different lagers for the summer.

No probs Callum. will do ;)
As promised ;) bottled this today, smells and looks great after 7 days in the FV. I used 1KG Geordie brew enhancer as recommended and will stash this in the shed once it's had a bit of time in the warm for secondary fermentation. Watch this space for further updates - it'll be when the weathers a lot warmer :lol: :lol: another brew for my summer stash :party:

Cool! I've got the pilsner in my brewbox ready to go on when I bottle the St Peters later this week...
calumscott said:
Cool! I've got the pilsner in my brewbox ready to go on when I bottle the St Peters later this week...


And thrice.....


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Well..... :shock:

What can I say...... :eek:

This has been winking at me in the corner of the living room and I gave in to it's honey coloured glow following just over a week of conditioning....... :whistle:

Chilled a bottle down in the freezer..... :pray:

Phsssssssssssssssst and off came the top with a small burst of loveliness.... :grin:

Poured THE most perfect looking pint into my Stella glass....... :thumb:

And tasted THE BEST LAGER I HAVE MADE TO DATE by a country mile :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I cannot believe how good this is so young - no yeast smell at all, superb clingy head, delicious dry taste, in a word - stunning :cool: :cool:

Forget this talk of 'the lagering process' - this stuff does what it says on the pack and does it with full marks from me, and if it tastes and looks as good as it does so young, how good will this be after being stored until the summer?? :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: :drink:

Get some :party: :party: :party: :party:

old stout wheres the pics? you cant tempt everyone with that post and have no picture to show for it!
how did you make that kit? was it an extract kit? it sounds bloody lovely
abeyptfc said:
old stout wheres the pics? you cant tempt everyone with that post and have no picture to show for it!

What he said. Go on... open another and lets see it!!!

(I've got very high hopes for the pilsner I've got in FV now...)
Where did u buy this kit from i fancy giving it a try? Is it just as easy as brewing with any malt syrup kit?
Heyzy said:
Where did u buy this kit from i fancy giving it a try? Is it just as easy as brewing with any malt syrup kit?

They are as easy as any other kit. open bag, bung in FV, add extra fermentibles, add water, add yeast, leave for a bit... :)
I have been looking for a larger kit to brew for the summer and this has made my mind up! I shall be purchasing this from my local home brew shop when I visit next.
Sorry boys just revisited this thread of mine to see all the interest!! :party:

Sorry there's no pics but ffs use yer imaginations will ya :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It looks like the perfect pint of homebrew (or shop bought fizzy) :lol: :lol: :lol: simple as..... ;)

The trick with this stuff is the yeast that Hambleton Bard are using apparently, and what they save on tin packaging goes into improving the malt - they do a nice range of varied stuff and well priced too - here, hang on a minute.....
I should be on blooming commission at this rate :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol: :lol:

oldstout wot other kits you made befour this one and how long ago have you done woodfords nelson revenge yet that is a cracking brew :drink:
tazuk said:
oldstout wot other kits you made befour this one and how long ago have you done woodfords nelson revenge yet that is a cracking brew :drink:

Coopers Stout
Geordie Lager
Geordie IPA
Coopers European
Coopers Mexican Cerveza
Coopers Pilsner
John Bull Lager
John Bull Pilsner
Muntons Pilsner
Milestone Black Pearl
Coopers Irish Stout

Funnily enough I'm going to leave off the lager for a while and move to beers. Woodfords Nelson was one I was recommended to try :thumb:
I have Hambleton Bard Better Brew Export Lager in my shop, You've made my mind up what to try next, Thanks! :cheers:
pegasus4787 said:
I have Hambleton Bard Better Brew Export Lager in my shop, You've made my mind up what to try next, Thanks! :cheers:

Nice one :thumb:

Be sure to let us all know what you think of it ;)

mine went on saturday after noon, has nearly stopped already too. Will post a pick up when its finished...

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