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Active Member
Sep 14, 2009
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Location,Location - Maldon Essex
Sorry yet another question. Whats the best way to keep your hands free from potential nasty gerns etc when brewing, do you suggest surgical gloves dipped in the sterised solution or just your hands, do i keep dipping them in the solution every now and then or once?

Thanks for the advise in advance shaunyp :drink:
I just wash with an anti-bacterial liquid soap then rinse well.

If I'm starting a wine ‘must’ which may involve getting my hands in the bucket and squishing the fruit between my fingers (a sanitised potato masher doesn't always do the job) I will pay particular attention to scrubbing under my finger nails, but that's about it.
Short, clean nails and then plunge hands into the StarSan for 20 secs rub into the hands (friction's good for killing bacteria, I believe), job's a good'un.
This process (with Iodophor) used by James from Basic Brewing Radio and he doesn't have trouble either.
I don't get too anal about it. Just wash with an anti-bac soap and that's it.

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