How long to leave brew after bubbling stops.?

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Active Member
Oct 23, 2013
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How long do i leave the brew kit on the lees after bubbles stop
in the bubbler.
Some say 2 weeks & yet some say not too long as it can
affect flavour & spoil brew.
A bit confused. :|

The common theme tends to be to use hydrometer readings, and the fermentation is over when the readings stay the same fro three days in a row. Sometimes it may still be fermenting but not making the bubbler, bubble due to leaks :)
You really want to be leaving it to ferment for a couple of weeks. It may have fermented out sooner, your hydrometer will tell you this, but there is still plenty for the yeast to do so leave it alone and let it do it's thing.
jonnymorris said:
You really want to be leaving it to ferment for a couple of weeks.

+1 always leave mine 14 days min, sometimes 21 or even 28. Longer won't hurt it and your brew will clear a bit. You will probably have some gas escaping out of the side of the FV's lid, so the airlock may stop bubbling but it could still be going a little. Personally, I don't like to keep opening it up every few days and dropping the hydrometer in, but I know some people do.
Two weeks in the fermenter is fine, this gives the yeast time to clean up after it's self, and to begin clearing.
Thanks all for the advice, i think i bottled a little
too early so will leave it for 2 weeks minimum.


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