is this yeast heaven?

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Jun 27, 2010
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Brewing in The Dronx
Eh up...
I've been messing about with yeast for ages. The kitchen has been my laboratory for this last we go..the conclusions. ..

Ive found a yeast that....

1) attenuates to 80%
2) top crops for England
3) tells you when close to finishing as the krausen drops to the bottom like S04
4) ferments quickly
5) brings hops forward like WLP001
6) when it finishes welds itself to the bottom of the fermenter like WLP002, without crash cooling
7) when its finished fermenting it leaves the beer totally clear
8) fantastic for bottle conditioning. can pour a full bottle with little or no sediment going into the glass..

Above all is available to anyone from a bottle conditioned beer...

Anyone interested to know what it is???
Yes, want to know.

What's the catch? If something sounds too good to be true....
:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

come on then
spill the beans or tell us your selling it for forum funds :grin:
Well it's not:-

Thwaites - although this is a brilliant yeast
Wlp023 (brakspear)
Sheffield strain....sniff!:'(

This will come as a supprise....

I was the same Dennis, used it a few years ago and never gave it a second thought...found it recently in Waitrose...Hopback Lightening...drank it. Captured the yeast..stepped it up and gave it a go against the others as above...

Stepped with 300ml each of DME

Hopback clearly wanted to play more than the others..left the starter crystal clear..the yeast stuck to the bottom...So stepped to minibrew 3 litres of 1040og it went like a train..and then top fermented leaving an inch of yeast on the top...after 3 days it died down and to my supprise one morning it had no krausen at all was crystal clear once more and had finished leaving a layer on the bottom of the vessel. .. I checked the gravity...1008...

So keeping this for a go at 80litres next week...I wonder if it will chuck off enough yeast for a proper full brew on the big kit...700 litres

In the meantime I've slanted it on 6 slants
sac, it's a very nice beer as well Summer Lighting and is simplicity itself with 100% pale malt, Challenger bittering, Goldings late and at flameout :thumb: :thumb:
Dronfieldbrewer said:
I was the same Dennis, used it a few years ago and never gave it a second thought...found it recently in Waitrose...Hopback Lightening...drank it. Captured the yeast..stepped it up and gave it a go against the others as above...

Stepped with 300ml each of DME

Summer Lightning was my first AG, but I used WY1318 London Ale III, lovely beer. What were your steps from the bottle, straight into a 300ml then a 3 Litre, do you know if it's the primary strain ?

Good Ed said:
sac, it's a very nice beer as well Summer Lighting and is simplicity itself with 100% pale malt, Challenger bittering, Goldings late and at flameout :thumb: :thumb:

It sounds like my kind of beer. I am in the process of re-establishing myself as an amateur brewer after being away from the hobby for eleven years. I recently replanted my hop yard. I decided to go with a fall planting of hop crowns instead of planting rhizomes in the spring. One of the hop cultivars that I planted was Wye Challenger.
Dronfieldbrewer said:
Ive found a yeast that....

1) attenuates to 80%
2) top crops for England
3) tells you when close to finishing as the krausen drops to the bottom like S04
4) ferments quickly
5) brings hops forward like WLP001
6) when it finishes welds itself to the bottom of the fermenter like WLP002, without crash cooling
7) when its finished fermenting it leaves the beer totally clear
8) fantastic for bottle conditioning. can pour a full bottle with little or no sediment going into the glass..

This sounds like some of the descriptions I've read of wlp007 (Dry English) yeast. That is allegedly a Whitbread strain and I've seen speculation that Hop Back use a Whitbread derived strain so maybe that settles it.

Do any of the other supermarkets stock Summer Lightning. Not posh enough to have any Waitrose stores near me!