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I think if you're gonna throw acid over someone there is something severely wrong with you, and you don't just do something like that because a comedian said a joke about it. An example used a lot is after Columbine, people blamed video games, heavy metal etc but those guys were just insane and there was no one thing which triggered their rampage. Bringing this back to Jo Brand, looking at a cross section of her fans, I'm not sure they are radicalised either way to pick up battery acid.

I thought I'd drunk too much last night...

...Can't have done - I woke up this morning and I was still thirsty!!!
. Not an insult, just some constructive criticism.

Strange you suddenly switch it from being a jocular remark in you your earlier post to constructive criticism in this post I doubt doubt Dave would have taken it as constructive.
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My uncle had a glass eye. In the summer he used to wear an eye patch like a pirate because he was a groundsman and dust used to get in and irritate behind it. I also worked with a girl who had a glass eye.
I've only known two in 50 years though..I wonder how many glass eye wearers there are?
I also wonder when Chubby Brown will get arrested.
Also..back in the day those knights went and took the king's words literally and went and chopped that chap up..Edmund or someone...
My uncle had a glass eye. In the summer he used to wear an eye patch like a pirate because he was a groundsman and dust used to get in and irritate behind it. I also worked with a girl who had a glass eye.
I've only known two in 50 years though..I wonder how many glass eye wearers there are?
I also wonder when Chubby Brown will get arrested.
Also..back in the day those knights went and took the king's words literally and went and chopped that chap up..Edmund or someone...

I think you mean Thomas a Becket? Chubby had this song about sha**ing your granny....I wonder how many took this seriously...GILFS...oh dear...or should that be old dear!!
Its a good job Benny hill isn't around these days what a **** storm his shows would have caused today.
Comedy should push the edges a bit, otherwise it's just a big cycle of regurgitated humour, and nothing stands out.
However...... if you choose to hover near the boundaries, that grey area, then you run the risk of overstepping the perceived mark that public scrutiny defines.
Look at Frankie Boyle's career, and the huge setback he applied to it with some very ill thought out and frankly crude(in quality terms) comments he made in an attempt at humour. He was always a very clever and sharp comedian, but he always ran that gauntlet of controversy and crossed it badly. I reckon that cost him 10 years of work.
Jo Brand should have thought that one through a little more, the high profile acid attacks we have seen in recent years were clearly not a good background for that as a joke.
Look at Frankie Boyle's career, and the huge setback he applied to it with some very ill thought out and frankly crude(in quality terms) comments he made in an attempt at humour. He was always a very clever and sharp comedian, but he always ran that gauntlet of controversy and crossed it badly. I reckon that cost him 10 years of work.

If i remember right it was his jokes about the Royal family on have i got news for you that were his undoing.

And for a bit of light relief:

'All the water used in making this Fine Ale has been passed by our Head Brewer'
Nigel Farage, what a snowflake.

What started a few years ago as a few flecks in the wind, has now become a full-on blizzard. Shame... the only jokes I like are ones that horribly offend someone, somewhere. I'll compile a few and report back later. Get yer crash helmets out.
I work on the principle that unless you set out to be deliberately offensive, one doesn't give offence, rather that people take offence. Let them get on with it and to hell with them.
"I've got a dog with no nose"
"Really, how does it smell?"

How speciesist is that?
What about taking the weewee out of the disabled?
Could this be taken to refer to people with over-active sweat glands?
Does one actually have a dog? Surely such a noble animal cohabits with it' s "owner", "master"? Oh God, are we into slavery references?
etc, etc.
Pet shop.

Customer - Two wasps please.

Shop owner - We don't sell wasps.

Customer - So why have you got them in the window?

OK - :coat:

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I work on the principle that unless you set out to be deliberately offensive, one doesn't give offence, rather that people take offence. Let them get on with it and to hell with them.
"I've got a dog with no nose"
"Really, how does it smell?"

How speciesist is that?
What about taking the weewee out of the disabled?
Could this be taken to refer to people with over-active sweat glands?
Does one actually have a dog? Surely such a noble animal cohabits with it' s "owner", "master"? Oh God, are we into slavery references?
etc, etc.
Do dogs sweat, by the way?

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