Low Carb in KK

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Active Member
Apr 30, 2012
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My first brew so forgive a newbie mistake here. I've recently (4 days ago) transferred my Youngs Larger home brew into a KK from a standard fermenter (where i left i for about 7 days). The first couple of days i wanted to check the lid was tight enough on the KK so i unscrewed it very slightly till i heard the gas, then quickly tightened it again. I decided to pour a tester and the beer kinda just dribbled out. I had a taste and it tasted, just not carbonated. I primed with approx 80g/cup into the KK before transferring the brew.

Any ideas or am i worrying over nothing?


also your never gonna get it good carbed in a king keg (btw 120g for a king keg 85g for other plastic kegs) as lager will prob want around 200g ish for a 23l , but as Mark said get some co2 bulbs and gas it up it will be ok just not great :thumb:
Thanks for the replies guys, sounds like i way under-measured with the priming sugar.

The instructions were rather vague.

I've put one bulb of gas in since the taste. Should i wait a week and do another taste? My concern would be over gassing it and having the thing explode...
taste away , when you gassed it you would of has a hissing sound straight away , that will be the safe release valve (same valve you filled from ) so should be no probs
Funnily enough i didn't hear that, could that mean i should have put more in?
Has your keg been kept in the warm to allow the priming sugar to do its thing?
It's been in a spare room which is about 20/21C. I could move it into an airing cupboard but that gets to late 20's...
Temp sounds OK. I'd leave it a week and see how it goes. You may have to accept your ale is going to be relatively low carb.

p.s. stick another bulb in. Your pressure release will give in rather than your keg exploding - worst case.
OK, i'll re-try in a week.

Thanks very much everyone for your help/advise.

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