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Feb 7, 2009
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As some of you may know I live here

The reason the house is named The Zoo is due to the amount of pets we have :roll:
We have two guinea pigs, two cats, tropical fish a terrapin,

Herer the dog

and "The Chicken"

Any body else got more than one pet?
We only have Jasper (Jabber the Mutt) and one goldfish! Jasper is a Blue Roan Cocker Spaniel.

Jasper (or Jabber, my youngest daughter cant say Jasper yet) started his gundog training last week, he's a clever dog - show bred and with full tail but we want him to be as tuned in as working dogs are. He's 7 months old, this pic is from a few weeks ago.

I can't have a house without a dog, when our Springer "Benson" had to be put down in November at just 7 years old we were totally and utterly gutted, the hole he left in our lives was massive, a good friend gone very quickly. Jasp is getting there.

Cocker number 2 will join us in 2010 probably spring.

30+ fish in my lake, 2 Jack russel's, 4 Bearded Dragons, 1 Green Iguana. Photos to follow as I'm at work.
1 Cat (Millie) and 2 goldfish (Sleeping Beauty and Prince Phillip - my 4 year old's choice of names :D )
3 cats; Salem and Onyx the twins and Princess the old ginger moaner.

Have also had in recent years a lot of fish, a hamster and a ferret.
Currently 4 (Male Cats)

Currently a very large empty fish tank . . .(an ongoing project around 13 years so far :roll: )
Currently down to 2 cats (Toby & Jess), 2 budgies (Harriet & Maisie), 1 hamster (buggered if I can remember, something beginning with B) and a few pond fish.

Have kept tropical fish, mostly livebearers, but tank currently empty, and over the years I think we've had the full range of small mammals.

Two kids (12 & 16).

Driving around Northampton last weekend we spotted a sign, “Alpaccas for sale” and thought that might be different, but I think I managed to convince them it would be impractical.
We have this cat, doesn't really have a name but when we took her to the vets to get her fixed and they asked her name my mum panicked and said tiddles:


She gets on alright with our last remaining hen:


Neither of whom particularly enjoy this tom's company. When he first adopted us he had what looked like a squint so we called him Clarence. He likes warm and recently washed bonnets:

I have 3 dogs and would love to share some pictures with you, I have attached their ugly mugs to the recommended site called photobucket, BUT please is there anyone out there able to tell me how to download them to this website , help what do I do next , I am sure it is pretty easy but not for me !!!!!!!!!! Thanks guys :?:
woollie said:
I have 3 dogs and would love to share some pictures with you, I have attached their ugly mugs to the recommended site called photobucket, BUT please is there anyone out there able to tell me how to download them to this website , help what do I do next , I am sure it is pretty easy but not for me !!!!!!!!!! Thanks guys :?:
No probs :thumb:
As you roll your cursor over the picture a pop up will appear at the bottom, scroll down this to the image code, right click on it and copy it.
Then simply paste it into your message just as it is and hey presto piccie in post :party:
Hi tuby shaw
Thanks a bunch for your reply, I dont mean to bug you any further BUT I have copied the picture and thanks for that, but I do not seem to find the paste icon please help again tuby, thanks for your time !!!!!
When writing your post, and want to insert your image, hit the 'Img' button which is above the text you're inputting. Place the cursor between the ] and the [ (which has been added to your text). Right click, and hit paste. Hope this helps.
Here's photo's of the afore mentioned pets
First is George our 1 yr Jack Russel stands 9" tall

Then there is Jess a 3yr Jack Russel bitch By the way they like to sleep and don't like being woken for photo's!

Then the 3 female Bearded Dragons, Spike, Andi and Mikey

Then the big fat Male, Tango

And Last is Itchy the 3 foot Iguana

This is the whole gang, the other is only a half a tubo cider. Thank you for your help guys, got there in the end, that is what is so great about this site, there is always someone close by to help. :D

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