Planning ahead ... AG4

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Nov 6, 2008
Reaction score
Willenhall, West Midlands
Hi all, AG1 is bottled and AG2 is in the FV, both wheat beers. AG3 is going to be a stout.

AG4.. what can I do with these ingredients?

Big bag of Crisp Marris Otter
5Kg chocolate malt
1kg oat malt
1Kg flaked barley
5Kg roasted barley
2kg pale wheat
Small amount of pilsner malt
100G East Kent Goldings
100G fuggles

Thanks guys, I'm open to any suggestions :thumb:
Have you thought about a SMaSH brew? Around 4-5kg of Marris Otter (possibly a splash of wheat malt for head retention) depending on your prefered strength and whichever hop takes your fancy? Personally id go for the EKG. I made 2 for my first all grains (using citra and cascade) and have to say they have turned put fantastic for their simplicity, infact I may have to put on an EKG SMaSH for my next brew!
Mine were ready fairly soon although I like to drink my beers young (because I can't wait to try them haha). As mine were pretty hoppy I think drinking them younger preserved more of their hop aroma too which i was more than happy with. They would've been ready sooner had I used a more floculating yeast than us-05, perhaps Nottingham? I've heard that fermented cooler it produces a clean flavour although I'm not 100% sure, I do know it drops out quickly and sticks like glue to the bottle!

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