Re: Wilkinson Strawberry wine kit

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
I picked up this kit and a black Cherry for £4 each in the recent sale, at that price its as cheap as a WOW. :thumb:

The juice is in a tin can with the ingredients inside the lid behind a cardboard doughnut.

You start this kit with only 1.8 litres of cold water, you then add the ingredients sachets and 450g of sugar, on day three you are advised to top up to 4.5 litres, i did this and unlike the Black Cherry it did not flow out of the airlock the next day.

When fermentation has finished you add a sachet of flavouring and swirl the DJ.

24 hours later you add finings and stabiliser and wait another week before bottling.

I bottled this last night and for me the strawberry taste is too strong, it tastes like a glass of strawberry vimto, i hope it changes over the next few weeks as with the Black Cherry (in the other review) it was not 100% clear, i will leave it a until it has cleared before i try it again. (need the DJ's for may latest WOW variant)

If you just want to bung everything in the DJ and leave it alone this is probably not the kit for you as it takes several steps to get to the end result.

I will add more to the thread in when it has cleared.
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I bottled this last night and for me the strawberry taste is too strong, it tastes like a glass of strawberry vimto, i hope it changes over the next few weeks

What a difference a week makes, we had a bottle last night and the strong flavour has mellowed and it is now very drinkable, i still would not pay £8 for the kit (full price) but it has persuaded me to look for a strawberry juice drink that i can turn into a wow variant.
Haven't had a bad Wilko's one in truth. As you say, the Rose one is also very decent. I made it a bit sweeter than recommended and it's come out like a Zinfandel. Very tasty.
Hi All,

I know this post is aged, but I have bought this kit along with the Elderberry kit. Fermentation has just pretty much stopped on this one, I gave it a sip and it tasts very acidic To point of acid reflux. Is this normal? Will it mellow out abit during the stabalisation etc? (No flavouring, stabaliser etc added yet.)

I added the flavouring already to the Elderberry wine, stabalised it last night but that is very acid, almost burns the back of my throat and not very pleasant to drink. Again will this mellow out abit during the clearing stage?

The kits state can drink, but best to age for a month or so beforehand.

any ideas?

New to brewing but did brew a 1 gallon Youngs Chardonnay back in 2005 that was delicious
As you haven't added all the ingredients the wine is no where near finished and will taste rough, it will probably still be a little rough when it has finished, if you give it a week you will be surprised how it changes the longer you leave it the better it will get

If you want to make cheap (but great tasting) wine that is drinkable as soon as it is finished have a read of this thread -
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Just opened my first bottle of this ( my first wine also ) been in bottle about a month now.
Got to say WOW how nice carnt believe how good it tastes. Can't taste the strawberry all that much but tasteds really nice and very drinkable.
Got a calafornia connorseres white zindafil in dj at mo hope thwt tases as good as the wilkos strawberry.

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