The steam

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Active Member
Dec 2, 2016
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I've gone over to the dark side and done a small (5l) batch of all grain. Ok - it's cold in North Wales and I've got the windows closed, but the steam and condensation is considerable. It reminds me of when youngest son was at home and having two hour showers.

So, what's it like with a 23l brew? Is it all windows and doors open?
I know what you mean, I often leave the kitchen not realising how bad it is, to find all other windows in the flat steamed up and sweating. I generally find having the extractor fan on helps (if you're in the kitchen). Failing that the nearest window should remove most of it.
I brew with my peco boiler sat on top of a upturned fv, with a thick board over to stop bottom of peco bellying. This sits it just above worktop hight. I place it near the worktop infront of the kitchen window. I then place a large desktop fan the otherside. This seems to work ok, if you get it positioned correctly. Blows most of it out the window. Not had any major condensation on cupboards or walls this way.