To blast through a sesion beer

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Hi all

just bottled my first 33 bottles. i didn't mind it too much , even without any helping gadgets to sanitise, hold bottles.
however, was wondering if i can just bottle my beer with priming sugar to demijons <5l> and seal up?? 5 bottles far better than 33/40!!

or would demijons explode in 2nd fermentation?maybe airlock for a few days/week then seal fully?

i cud drink a demijon in a night with a mate so not worried about it keeping once i pop the cork :)

demi jons not suitable for primed beer you can't seal them well enough and if you did they would probably be large bombs
thanks mate

, well , that is disapointing!
guess thats why kegs are so popular :)

back to hunting out glass litre bottles!
like the look of those swing top type
the metal reusable 5 ltr ones?

did like the look of them, esp if u can get them full with paulina and re use them!

will think when the times right to decide between them or a king keg?
pp to blast through a sesion of 5 week old beer sounds like the perfect thing, just have to get a beer thats good in that time,and aint too expensive to drink lots off to have in stock <what do you use?>

open a pp and drink it in a weekend, keep beer covering tap.
persum it just comes with a wine dispensing button thing you get on boxes of wine.

easy to clean/sanistise?

but if your going to use plastic, un primed plastic container,for my specific purpose<read beer lout marathon sesion :drunk: > could i not just use my 5 ltr still water bottle jugs from sainsburys if i drink them all in one go? put screw lid back on it, make it air tight,dont prime keep for 4 weeks after fermenter? throw container in bin when finished? or is it simply the fact pp do expand a wee bit safely and my bottle jugs dont?

or unprimed demijon<i can get ten of these free>

just asking ;)
I wouldn't use water containers - in the event that it starts fermenting again (maybe it gets stored somewhere warmer, or moving it wakes up the yeast) the bottles could split and you'll lose the brew and have a damp carpet.

What you could use is 2L lemonade bottles - these are fine for any reasonable pressure and are available stupidly cheap - I think value lemonades are about 17p for 2L, so 11 bottles (£1.87) will do you for a full brew.

You can then prime as well in the same way you would glass bottles, just with a bigger amount, and you also have the benefit that you are only drinking 3 and a half pints at a go so the rest stays fresh.
It's all down to what you're drinking and preference mate... If you like it with fiz then the 2lt bottles sound a good idea, though when you get half way down you may disturb the sediment (if you're pouring 4 times out of it say), or you could pour it all in one go into a large jug and then top up pint glass from there.

If you like real ale like you get in a decent pub, hobgoblin bombadier etc then polypin and an angram pump would be best
Either way, :drink:
just bottled 6 2ltr 18p pop bottles and the rest in pint bottles of wherry so i have a comparrison between the two when its ready. :cheers: :drink: :drunk: :sick:

thanks v much for the tips