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    • Bitter_Dave
      Bitter_Dave reacted to stripeyjoe's post in the thread Greggs vegan sausage rolls with Like Like.
      Maybe they like enjoy the taste and texture of meat but without killing. With plenty of meat substitutes and, to a lesser degree, lab...
    • Bitter_Dave
      Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Greggs vegan sausage rolls.
      It's not that funny or hard to understand. People who don't want to eat meat for ethical reasons but still think it is tasty. I don't...
    • Bitter_Dave
      Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Greggs vegan sausage rolls.
      Yes, and I'm afraid I wasn't a big fan. The first bite seemed decent, but it tasted a bit synthetic tasting to me after a few bites. But...
    • Bitter_Dave
      The OG is unlikely to have been 1035 with the 1.8kg kit and the fermentables you've added. More likely to be 1045 if you filled it to 21...
    • Bitter_Dave
      Dead easy to measure half a teaspoon of sugar and put it in the bottle via a funnel. Get some cheap measuring spoons. Works for me.
    • Bitter_Dave
      Bitter_Dave reacted to Sneedhearn's post in the thread R.I.P Thread. with Like Like.
      Kris Kristofferson has passed away. Not only a musical legend in his own right but he discovered and introduced the late great John...
    • Bitter_Dave
      Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Hoptimum beer kits.
      Clearly Muntons made kits, as others have said - they have the Muntons yeast. 1.8 kg kits are Connoisseurs kits rebadged. About the same...
    • Bitter_Dave
      After five years or so of using a plastic lidded fermentation bucket and brewing highly hopped NEIPAs on a regular basis I decided to...
    • Bitter_Dave
      Bitter_Dave reacted to Appleton Brews's post in the thread Zombie knife ban with Like Like.
      That’s the same argument the Americans use to justify firearms. Guns in the UK were banned for good reasons and that has significantly...
    • Bitter_Dave
      I tend to watch channels where they review beer kits these days, as that's what I'm doing at the moment brewing-wise. My favourite is...
    • Bitter_Dave
      Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Covid.
      Slightly unbalanced reporting of that document (confirmation bias?). You missed this bit: A reported reaction does not necessarily mean...
    • Bitter_Dave
      Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Covid.
      I wasn't mixing up politicians and climate scientists. Most climate scientists as far as I can tell think politicians under-play the...
    • Bitter_Dave
      Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Covid.
      So you know better than all those climate scientists out there? And they are all conspiring in this evil sharade, when reviewing each...
    • Bitter_Dave
      Bitter_Dave replied to the thread Covid.
      Is global warming a hoax too?
    • Bitter_Dave
      Bitter_Dave reacted to Davegase's post in the thread Covid with Like Like.
      Does that apply to the moon landings ?
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