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    • Brew_DD2
      Brew_DD2 reacted to Beermonster66's post in the thread Chippy Tea now a luxury with Like Like.
      £10.50 in our local chippy for a large special (breaded) fish supper. Two fillets of haddock and a mountain of chips which is plenty for...
    • Brew_DD2
      Brew_DD2 reacted to Stu's post in the thread Covid with Like Like.
      There's a lot of it kicking around at work at the moment. Plus a number of friends have mentioned getting it in the last couple of weeks...
    • Brew_DD2
      Brew_DD2 replied to the thread Covid.
      They do. Tests are still sold, and used on the wards, but of very little purpose to the general public now.
    • Brew_DD2
      Brew_DD2 reacted to The Baron's post in the thread Covid with Like Like.
      If I had it the symptoms were way worse than the original strain when I had it
    • Brew_DD2
      Brew_DD2 replied to the thread Covid.
      I had it then too. Wiped me out for a couple of days. Seeing lots of it with patients , but nowhere near as bad as it was a couple of...
    • Brew_DD2
      Brew_DD2 reacted to Beermonster66's post in the thread Covid with Like Like.
      I had it at the beginning of June and several folk at work have had it since then. Thankfully, it was a mild strain and passed in a few...
    • Brew_DD2
      That was my first thought. The minute the video came out, she fell on her sword. Apparently, there was a Danish competitor caught up in...
    • Brew_DD2
      Don't think she would have packed it in if there wasn't some truth in it.
    • Brew_DD2
      Well she's admitted the behaviour, so I think we can safely assume it's real.
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