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crescent city Mike

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    • crescent city Mike
      crescent city Mike replied to the thread Slow dive into water.
      It just proves that no good deed goes unpunished.
    • crescent city Mike
      crescent city Mike replied to the thread Using older grain.
      I once used a sealed tub of Pilsner malt that was 10 years old. It was fine. Even if your batch has a few weevils, that's just a...
    • crescent city Mike
      crescent city Mike replied to the thread Sparge methods.
      Acidify as in lowering the pH of the sparge liquor to 5.8 / 5.9 so that the polyphenols don't transfer to the kettle.
    • crescent city Mike
      crescent city Mike replied to the thread Sparge methods.
      I knew I had a little problem with astringency in some beers but it wasn’t noticeable in others. Color didn’t seem to be a factor with...
    • crescent city Mike
      crescent city Mike replied to the thread Attenuation Issues.
      Any control of the degree of attenuation should be made during mashing, and not by attempting to adjust matters subsequently.
    • crescent city Mike
      crescent city Mike replied to the thread Pickled eggs....
      Here's a good recipe. It addresses most of the problems that people have with hard boiled eggs. It's worth the read...
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