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    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Bottles.
      It's a crime against humanity is what it is. 3 pints both times
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Bottles with Like Like.
      If you take them off flat (do not bend them) you can reuse them. Just boil quickly, before use. Snap them on and reseal.
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Bottles with Like Like.
      Get a capper. I have a two handle one, that I could not get on with. I know a tiny Italian guy who can do caps in one hit... They...
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Bottles.
      There is. Thanks Chippy_Tea
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to GerritT's post in the thread Shop bought beer in a Swing top bottle with Like Like.
      Lidl sometimes has Arcana fliptops for £2 per half liter. Beats Grolsch regarding bottle. And taste.
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Bottles.
      This is good news as my next batch is an IPA
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Bottles.
      I have been using a rubber mallet and a folded tea towel under the bottle. The last batch I lost 3 and this batch the same
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Bottles.
      No. Not yet. Do tell
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Bottles. win.. buying the bottles you get beer too.
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to Galena's post in the thread Bottles with Like Like.
      That's how I got most of my bottles, beer from Aldi, if you use a decent capper with a lever you won't break any.
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Bottles.
      Yeah any good sources? I know glass is much better but I drink them too quick and the pet bottles make more sense timewise.
    • grandy
      I've just started another brew. As recommended by a member I've gone with dark rock IPA with enhancer. Anyway, I'm going over to PET...
      • IMG_20240713_192712_858.jpg
    • grandy
      grandy reacted to An Ankoù's post in the thread Hello from France! with Like Like.
      No Scrumpy? Tell me about it. I have mine shipped in from Sandford or Taunton or whatever visitors can get hold of. I'm from Dorset...
    • grandy
      grandy replied to the thread Hi all..
      Welcome. You're experience is gonna be valuable
    • grandy
      Welcome. I'm pretty new here also. Just doing my second. It's on secondary fermentation so 7 days or so in the house and into the shed...
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