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    • G
      Gyro reacted to Graz's post in the thread West Ham Fans with Like Like.
      Came here expecting something to do with West Ham, disappointing 😛 Come on you irons!
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      Gyro reacted to Ste P's post in the thread Vimto with Haha Haha.
      Tried that but the seagulls beat them to the tin:laugh8:
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      Gyro replied to the thread Vimto.
      🤣 next up: feeding the population of Merseyside with a tin of Value sardines and a pot noodle before moving on to bigger challenges like...
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      Gyro replied to the thread Vimto.
      Hi, if you use the search function you'll find a few threads on this subject. The general consensus seems to be that due to the...
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      Gyro reacted to JockyBrewer's post in the thread XL Bully with Like Like.
      I think if there was known to be people manufacturing knock off guns that would randomly explode and kill someone in your house, you’d...
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      Gyro replied to the thread Gyro's big day.
      Thanks. The fermentation, whilst sounding vigorous hasn't created bubbles in the airlock so far. I can hear it fizzing away merrily so...
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      Gyro reacted to jof's post in the thread Gyro's big day with Like Like.
      Could it imply that you need the lid loose just to stop stuff falling in for the first few days then fermentation is vigorous. Then...
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      Hello all, I finally got the time to do a bit of brewing! Actually it was on Wednesday, but here goes. First on the agenda was a...
      • 20240522_231309.jpg
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      Gyro reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Winexpert classic merlot with Haha Haha.
      I am more concerned you appear to be doing it in the car
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      Gyro replied to the thread Wine kits recommendations.
      Wurzel's Orange Wine. Wurzel's Orange Wine I believe. Now a forum abbreviation for any supermarket juice wine.
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      Gyro replied to the thread XL Bully.
      I personally think that the "no bad dogs, just bad owners" idea, whilst not being completely accurate does have a ring of truth...
    • G
      Not sure if I'm reading this right, but are you including the sugar that will be in the 1.7kg grape concentrate in your calculations?
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      Gyro reacted to damienair's post in the thread Mangrove Jacks Pink Grapefruit IPA with Like Like.
      Absolutely lovely beer. Enjoying one now. My 4th or 5th batch. I’ve done side by side comparisons with Elvis Juice from Brew Dog and...
    • G
      Gyro reacted to damienair's post in the thread Mangrove Jacks Pink Grapefruit IPA with Like Like.
    • G
      Gyro replied to the thread Mangrove Jacks Pink Grapefruit IPA.
      I've just ordered one of these kits thanks to all the glowing reports in this thread. Looking forward to cracking on with it in the...
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