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    • Keruso
      Keruso replied to the thread Grainfather G40.
      Can you lift the grainbasket up to sparge with just one person?
    • Keruso
      Keruso replied to the thread IPA using Voss ?.
      I fermented at 35C. it was finished in four days, the orange taste was a bit overpowering though. Not used it since.
    • Keruso
      Keruso replied to the thread IPA using Voss ?.
      I did once, it had a prominent orange flavor
    • Keruso
      I would use an ABV calculator like Brewersfriend to see what the attenuation is, if it’s close to what to expect for the yeast then it’s...
    • Keruso
      Keruso replied to the thread Saison attempt.
      Asian supermarkets sell frozen ones, best value. Everyday supermarkets sell them too, usually dried ones but they are more expensive
    • Keruso
      Keruso replied to the thread Dead space?.
      I have a fullhorn !!!
    • Keruso
      Keruso replied to the thread Saison attempt.
      I've added a handful of Kaffir Lime Leaves at 5min left in the boil, along with using Sorachi Ace, was a great beer, finishes real dry...
    • Keruso
      Keruso replied to the thread Hop Spiders.
      I got an official Grainfather false bottom and it’s more trouble than I thought, I’ve stopped using it now, I’ve had several brews where...
    • Keruso
      Keruso replied to the thread How is this possible?.
      For my big beers I let them sit in the fermenter for two weeks, was surprised to see such a fall so quickly, but not unusual it seems
    • Keruso
      Keruso reacted to Rodcx500z's post in the thread How is this possible? with Like Like.
      I recently brewed using safale s33, 1050-1012 2 days
    • Keruso
      I have recently brewed a double IPA , its gone from 1.070 to 1.012 in just two days, sample taken today because I can’t see any airlock...
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