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    • peebee
      peebee reacted to Hazelwood Brewery's post in the thread What is Residual Alkalinity? with Like Like.
      An exerp from Palmers book on water (though I see no relation to malt crush and I’m unsure what’s meant by mash ratio). You can at...
    • peebee
      peebee replied to the thread What is Residual Alkalinity?.
      Using those numbers as-is (i.e. "3.5" and "0.5") the "RA" of my water resolves to: "-8.3 as CaCO3". Oooh. Not quite sure what I'm going...
    • peebee
      "RA"? I get the impression it's now much maligned and discredited? But John Palmer (author of "Water: A Comprehensive Guide for...
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    • peebee
      peebee replied to the thread My mead is horrible! Please help!.
      I'll give you some instructions to help with that ... 1. Load your refractometer as described in the instructions ... (blah, blah, blah...
    • peebee
      peebee replied to the thread have beer kits improved?.
      I'm 50-year experienced AG brewer. Opposite me on the table is my first ever kit (Festival Razorback). Maybe I get to make it tomorrow...
    • peebee
      peebee replied to the thread Slow dive into water.
      Eh? So, you're slightly podgy, like to dress in skintight black wetsuit (with white bib), and enjoy snorkelling about in small (freezing...
    • peebee
      peebee replied to the thread Slow dive into water.
      Okay. I think I've corrected that in my last post. Brungard's outpourings have been integrated in my head for eons. I'm watching the...
    • peebee
      peebee replied to the thread Slow dive into water.
      @ChrisD123: Oops, I'm gaining criticism for not answering your original question right ... okay: Yes, your water is a great base, if...
    • peebee
      peebee reacted to crescent city Mike's post in the thread Slow dive into water with Haha Haha.
      It just proves that no good deed goes unpunished.
    • peebee
      peebee replied to the thread Slow dive into water.
      Who? Me? Ask @ChrisD123 if I've hijacked his thread. And, if no-one noticed, I never promoted my "Defuddler" prior to post #12! I'd...
    • peebee
      peebee replied to the thread Slow dive into water.
      You can. Try to explain how it's done ... then you can earn yourself the reputation I've seemed to have gained of being "confusing". And...
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    • peebee
      peebee replied to the thread Slow dive into water.
      Yes, it annoys me to have to work so hard to show things are so simple. That spreadsheet I talk of has required loads of my time and...
    • peebee
      peebee replied to the thread Slow dive into water.
      That what @Galena posted is a giggle ... someone saying John Palmer's book is great ... for falling asleep with! 💤 I wouldn't bother...
    • peebee
      peebee replied to the thread Slow dive into water.
      See those last two lines? "Hardness", and. "Soft". Take a thick black pen and put a line through them both. They are of no practical...
    • peebee
      Having the entire amount of water treated and heated to "strike temperature" (which will be much lower than if using a smaller amount of...
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