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The Baron
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    • The Baron
      The Baron replied to the thread Change one letter..
    • The Baron
      The Baron replied to the thread Chippy Tea now a luxury.
      Circa just under £8 in our area it does vary some slightly cheaper some top end of £8
    • The Baron
      The Baron replied to the thread Little help please.
      It may be suffering from the dreaded stuck fermentation which usually sticks at 1020. If no movement after a couple of days search the...
    • The Baron
      The Baron replied to the thread Little help please.
      Number 2 you used Windsor if I am correct which is a low attenuating yeast so I would expect it to finish high(maybe not as high as...
    • The Baron
      I use the Kveik all the time Neil and it depends at what temp you ferment high can give orange but it will not overpower the hops in a...
    • The Baron
      Yes, I've got a plate chiller and currently freezing a load of blocks to prechill the input to that using a spare coil chiller I made.
    • The Baron
      The Baron replied to the thread Covid.
      I never bothered testing when I had what I had it seems pointless it is what it is
    • The Baron
      You will get some IBU's from the whirlpool @80c but you will need to remove them if not cooling or it may give too much bitterness. I am...
    • The Baron
      The Baron replied to the thread Covid.
      Do you think the old test kits will test the new strain-FLIRT?
    • The Baron
      The Baron replied to the thread Covid.
      If I had it the symptoms were way worse than the original strain when I had it
    • The Baron
      The Baron replied to the thread Covid.
      I think there is more than is getting reported Chippy both me and the wife had a very serious flu type illness that took weeks to get...
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