All I want for Christmas is.......

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Jul 27, 2008
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This doesn't have to be brewing equipment related, if world peace is what you want thats fair enough :thumb: or if all you want in your stockings is legs, fair play to you too :thumb:

For me this year I want :

My daughters & wife to have the best Christmas ever :D
To host a great family and friends party on the weekend before christmas
To be able to cook Christmas dinner, cause I do it best
To enjoy two weeks off work and not have to worry about standby calls
To get the dog back in shape after not being able to walk him as much as I should
To get me back in shape (that will take longer than the dog)
A football and a toy soldier


and a visit to a mates to convert a thermobox.....and....

as I've been really good all year..... ( :hmm: )

A SS false bottom from H&G

What do you want?
Gordon Brown to appear on my doorstep, first thing Xmas morning.

In various bits, encased in concrete. of them came today...courtesy of Brewdog! :D


My prize: 3x Chaos Theory, 2x 77 Lager, 2x Punk IPA, 2x 5am Saint, 2x zeitgeist and 1x Rip Ride!!!

All I did was enter their caption comp in November and won!! :party: :party:

Other than that I want:
A quick recovery from my op then I can play out!
A white christmas (skiing on xmas day is good fun)
A all expenses paid ski holiday!! chances are small for a ski hol
All the best to your lot of course,oh and world peace etc but.....just for me big batch of Dreadskin(another forum I think)inspired TC to be ready..oh and god bless Wurzel my beautiful wife is mad for his orange.Cheers :cheers:
My in-laws are coming to stay for a few days, but that's fine, they are ok. :thumb:

My mother is also coming to ours for Christmas Day and Boxing Day but won't stay over. This means I've got to fetch and carry and can't have a proper drink until after I've taken her home, whatever time of the afternoon or evening that might be!!! :evil:

Mrs. Mole is working Christmas morning so I'm cooking dinner along with MiL. She will get well squiffy on Tesco's Pale Cream Sherry but I can't have anything. :twisted:

What I would really like for Christmas is to go away on the boat for a few days, with a few beers, and leave them to get on with it.

What I would really really like is to p*$$ off to Austria or Germany to actually be at one of the ski jumping hills for the annual Four Hills tournament instead of just watching it on Eurosport. Do you think they'd miss me?

Just checking, this is in The Snug, isn't it? Members only? :whistle:
i'd like a time machine so that i can go back 20mins


well i've been on the forum and have'nt put the wifes dinner in the oven yet, its still sitting on the worksurface. Been a bit distracted :whistle:

she's back in 5 mins and it takes 30 mins to cook :rofl:
well my christmas presents arrived today and the wife took them and wrapped them and put it under the tree! :shock:

thats my toys from Auber thats not fair! :evil:

I tried to convince her I needed to test them out to see if they worked just incase they needed returning but no dice. :cry:

This is torture I didn't even get to see them or touch them, I am sure this breaches the Geneva convention! :(
Wez said:
This doesn't have to be brewing equipment related, if world peace is what you want thats fair enough :thumb: or if all you want in your stockings is legs, fair play to you too :thumb:

For me this year I want :

My daughters & wife to have the best Christmas ever :D
To host a great family and friends party on the weekend before christmas
To be able to cook Christmas dinner, cause I do it best
To enjoy two weeks off work and not have to worry about standby calls
To get the dog back in shape after not being able to walk him as much as I should
To get me back in shape (that will take longer than the dog)
A football and a toy soldier


and a visit to a mates to convert a thermobox.....and....

as I've been really good all year..... ( :hmm: )

A SS false bottom from H&G

What do you want?

Right Wez.

I want my ThermoBox converted in exchange for a custom made SS False Bottom.

Win...Win !!! :thumb: :thumb: