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    • Griff097
      Griff097 reacted to gavp1979's post in the thread Rainbow bridge with Like Like.
      Sorry for your loss @Tess Tickle's Brewery, it definitely is the hardest part of pet ownership. We lost our Maine Coon a few weeks ago...
    • Griff097
      Griff097 reacted to fluketamer's post in the thread Rainbow bridge with Like Like.
      this thread is a difficult read. i had a cat for many many years when i was little. i never appreciated him. i didn't realize how...
    • Griff097
      Griff097 reacted to Clint's post in the thread Rainbow bridge with Like Like.
      Oh yeah if you're a proper "owner" ,even though they could choose to go live elsewhere, they choose us and there's the bond. There's...
    • Griff097
      Griff097 reacted to Rodcx500z's post in the thread Rainbow bridge with Love Love.
      Hi Tess I feel your pain 20 years is a long time but you will remember them with fondness, in February 22 we lost our border collie...
    • Griff097
      Griff097 reacted to Donegal john's post in the thread Rainbow bridge with Love Love.
      Wouldn’t change her for the world. Even though she is a nightmare lol. How could I ?
    • Griff097
      Griff097 reacted to Tess Tickle's Brewery's post in the thread Rainbow bridge with Love Love.
      That's our last furry gone now. Not sure what to do next. I'd like another dog but the hubby says we won't be able to go out. I'll deffo...
    • Griff097
      Griff097 reacted to Chippy_Tea's post in the thread Rainbow bridge with Love Love.
      Sorry to hear this Tess we have a 20 year old farm cat we got as a kitten, she became a house cat when we got her home she has never...
    • Griff097
      Griff097 reacted to Tess Tickle's Brewery's post in the thread Rainbow bridge with Love Love.
      So I lost my best friend Sweeney yesterday. Been a rough few weeks but he's in a better place now. He was an RSPCA cat and we managed to...
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