bottled beer - clearing

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New Member
Dec 29, 2011
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So, I bottled my coopers Canadian blonde 12 days ago, I gave it 7 days in the house at room temp to carbonate (which worked fine - I tested on at 7 days and it had just the right amount of fizz)

After the 7 dayss the beer had started to clear, in the small bottles I did for Sampling it looked perfectly clear.

I moved the beer into the garage to condition, after being in the garage for a day, it had gone cloudy..... I had another sample and still nicely carbonated, just cloudy. Today (12 days since bottling) it is showing no sign of clearing, is thats normal?

Don't get me wrong, it tastes great, I was just expecting it to be clear....
may be a little too cold in garage this time of year but it wont hurt the taste , just put a blanket round em to help a little
Sounds like you have chill haze, try bringing a bottle in to warm back up if it clears it's chill haze. Nothing to worry about
As Dave said chill haze has no affect on flavor, but if you've already moved them to a cool place I'd leave them there. Temperature fluctuation can lead to far worse things than chill haze.
Thanks for the replys, I will leave the garage then, hopefully when this cold snap has passedbthey will clear?

They do taste god even with the chill haze!
Chill haze is nothing but complex proteins in the beer clinging together forming larger visible clumps when they get cold. There are a few things you can do in the future to alleviate chill haze, but let's focus on the fundamentals first.

I'm glad to hear the beer tastes good, and is drinkable. Isn't that the idea?
artiums_enteri said:
Chill haze is nothing but complex proteins in the beer clinging together forming larger visible clumps when they get cold. There are a few things you can do in the future to alleviate chill haze, but let's focus on the fundamentals first.

I'm glad to hear the beer tastes good, and is drinkable. Isn't that the idea?


Since I'm going to be conditioning mine in the garage (when I get round to doing my first brew), can you please explain what we can do to alleviate chill haze?!

Many thanks :)