Brew Books - What's On Your Shelf??

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Just bought and read this new book by Tommy Barnes. A worthy successor to his first book (A beer in the Loire). He's a bit of a comedian so I hope his recounting of his brewing disasters is somewhat exaggerated for comedic effect.
trouble brewing in the loire.jpg
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Need to find the other volumes of this one, but they appear as rare as rocking horse poo:


And talking of hard to find book, I've been looking for this one for ages, big fan of the author, tracked this one down in a charity shop:

Yep agree. Wasn't meant as a criticism, just as a note if anyone else was looking at it. I can see myself using the recipes with modern yeast recommendations from elsewhere... 🙂
Just got this. A good read about how farmhouse beer was (and in some cases still is) made in the rural areas of europe. There's a good bit about how yeast was harvested from slurry by dipping a straw wreath into it then hanging it up to dry in the barn. Birds lived in the barn and inevitably cr@pped on the wreaths. To inoculate the next brew they knocked off the cr@p and shoved the wreath in the wort. I knew all this hygiene lark was overrated :laugh8:. Up to the chapter where it talks about malting which makes me wonder about doing some myself or at the least deliberately mix grains that I wouldn't normally do to see if I can get more complex flavours.

If I remember correctly I think @peebee is interested in historical brews and might be interested?

It's a really good book but unfortunately most of the beer styles require copious quantities of juniper branches. Bear in mind that wild European juniper is non toxic but many garden varieties are thoroughly poisonous.
It's an interesting read though.
There are still people round here (North pembs) who brew in the same way.

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