Brewday 09 Aug 2008 - Ushers 1883 Stout

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Aug 15, 2008
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A bunch of us got together at Beer blokes brewery last weekend and brewed this - I've only just recovered enough to put up a brewday thread :D (Apologies for the quality of the piccies I only had my camera phone)

Usher's Stout (OG 51) For 400l

50kg Pale
20kg Munich
10kg Roast
6.25kg Amber
6.25kg Brown
6.25kg Crystal

3.25Kg Fuggles

First off we discovered that only the pale was crushed and everything else was whole, so we broke out the Valley mill

Its thirsty work all this grinding (all 47 Kilos of it :shock:)

Still here we have the second sack of pale going into the tun

After a minor hiccup, where we broke the valley mill, leaving 10Kg of roast barley still to be crushed, we finally got it all in the tun

While we were waiting for the mash to finish, we bottles 18 gallons of Apprentice Ale . . . Nice 5 head bottle filler there, and note that bottling is also thirsty work ;)

Spiny sparger in action . . . just a bit bigger than ours ;)

And running off into the underback . . . Yeah it is a 5 gallon brew bin

Digging out the mash tun (4 Wheelbarrow loads - cows were happy :) )


And finally the first batch of the 3.250Kg of hops going into the copper

There was a lot more activity after this, but I was unable to take pictures, but suffice to say 2 and a bit barrels of Stout was pitched with a kilo of yeast . . . I'm hoping Phil can take a picture of it in action, as even the ordinary beer was climbing out of the fermenter and stouts can be so much more explosive.
:clap: Wow what a great set of pics, makes you feel a bit small dunnit? 10kg of roasted barley :shock: 4 wheelbarrows of spent grain and a kilo of yeast :shock:
Yeah, His commercial plant is actually smaller than his homebrew plant :shock: Luckily we had his 5BBL bright beer tank to put the stout in to cool it . . . . We we hoping that it would fit in his other 2.5BBL FV . . . especially after some people took a bit home, turns out we were just shy of 2.7BBL in the end
Phil here, I've just come across this thread so sorry for the delay!

I have to confess I didn't take any pictures of the beer fermenting sad I know lol.

Suffice to say it took about 2 weeks with adding extra yeast, rousing and having a few stern words to get it down to a sensible FG.

It stopped at 1030 then 1020 and finally finished at 1012 when I racked it into casks. Judging by the polypin I filled it's still going too!

Does tast good though.
Hi Phil,

Any chance of a dozen bottles . . . . . I mean you are supposed to age it for 3 months ;)

Other people that took wort away had it ferment down pretty quickly, but they did add additional aeration once they got it home. . . . . I must admit I would have panicked if I had close on 2.5BBL of strong stout stuck at 1.020 :clap: