Bungs for screw-top demijohns

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Jun 21, 2012
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I've been quite lucky with a couple of Freecycle demijohn hauls recently, but three of them are 1 gallon screw-top type and have a neck that's too small for the normal size bungs. Reading past posts, I think they used to come with a gallon of Weston's cider in them or something. Same gauge glass as normal ones, handles in the usual place, but smaller neck with a coarse thread on the outside. Did anyone ever come to a conclusion whether smaller bungs or a replacement screw top were available for them, with a hole for an airlock? I've carved a normal bung down, but it's not ideal. The neck is also too small to get the end of my syphon through, so they're only really any good for secondary containers.

Maybe I just answered my own question and I'll get some smaller plain bungs for them :doh:
Ok, thanks. I think using them as storage containers is the way forwards, rather than trying to use them for fermentation.