Chill haze problem?

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A 90 minute boil will have no effect on clarity in my experience. Nor getting a better rolling boil. The only AG I've done so far are 2 brews of East Kent Goldings single hop pale ale, and 3 brews of Northern Brown. I use a 90 minute boil. The NB brews have all come out quite a bit clearer than the EKG brews which were like soup! The only real difference was the quantity of hops used - think it was about 4oz for the EKG and only 1 oz for the NB. Different hops of course. So could it be hop dust?
I also noticed the NB brews tended to clog up the tap filter on my boiler while the EKG brews didn't at all. So I'm guessing there was a bit better hot break with the NB brews, though why I can't imagine.
Don't think it's anything to do with hops in my case as my brews have been perfectly clear in the bottle. It's only once they've been in the fridge a while that they start to cloud.
I put a galaxy that is usually clear (at room and fridge temps) in the freezer last night to cool it quickly. Left it in a bit longer than planned and it came out v cloudy. Hadnt stirred it up so it was down to the temp. I suspect it's a case of the colder you chill the beer the more likely / more severe the haze.

The Galaxy actually seemed to have more hop aroma than the last one though which surprised me. I'd have thought warmer would give more aroma as the volatile esters would be driven out more. That's my cod-science theory tho
Yeah I think so mate, next time I'll be boiling for longer and chucking some (sanitized) frozen water bottles in the wort to try and bring my chill time down.

Having said all that, I had one from my 2nd batch tonight and it was lovely, so I reckon I can live with it if it never clears :)
Yeah I think so mate, next time I'll be boiling for longer and chucking some (sanitized) frozen water bottles in the wort to try and bring my chill time down.

Having said all that, I had one from my 2nd batch tonight and it was lovely, so I reckon I can live with it if it never clears :)

I'm sure you know haze doesn't make a blind bit of difference to taste but I do like to see a crystal clear pint!