electronic cigarettes

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Aug 28, 2010
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sw france
Hi all, been thinking of trying those e cigarettes but there are so many different out there, can anyone recomend a good one, are all
cartridges refillable with e juice or do you buy special ones that are, and if you buy one make are the cartridges universal,ie do you have to buy the same make,
johnluc said:
Hi all, been thinking of trying those e cigarettes but there are so many different out there, can anyone recomend a good one, are all
cartridges refillable with e juice or do you buy special ones that are, and if you buy one make are the cartridges universal,ie do you have to buy the same make,

I don't smoke so take what I say with a pinch of salt...

I know a chap who uses a "Tornado Tank" type e-cig and it gives him the ability to refil the tank with a base liquid into which he adds nicotine and a tobacco flavour. Because he mixes the juice, he can control what dose he gets per puff. I was so impressed by the device I bought one for my mum who was also very impressed. She does use it on occaision but for some reason I cannot fathom (probably need to have smoked to understand) still likes her rollups too.

Prior to that she had tried a few different disposable e-cigs and was not impressed with any of them.
I'll ask my mate what brand it is he uses. He ditched cigarettes almost 2 years ago and has been on the e-cigs ever since.

I know that the "juice" that he uses comes in different strength pre-mixes. Various flavours of each available. The only reason I know this is that someone else in his family was using a menthol variant :D

He started off on the fairly high nicotine dosage and has gradually came down to the smallest dose. He still uses it basically due to the habit, but there is no risks at all with this device so I recommend them very highly :)
I have to say you may as well not bother with them. By the end of the year most places will have banned the use of them inside. The likes of weatherspoons already have along with the owners of westfield shopping centres. You still have to go to the designated smoking area to smoke them!
thanks for your replies folks, didn't want a disscusion on the reasons for smoking and not smoking i think everyone knows the dangers of smoking, i smoke and find it very hard to give up so thought i'd take the easy way out, just want to know whats the best out there and the ins and outs of disposable cartridges and refillable ones, compatability etc.
My MIL is using a skycig. She really likes it and hasn't had a real ciggie in three months.

Saving her about 100 quid a month too. :thumb:
I gave up using the Tornado Tank from e-wicked and thought it was great. A few of my mates have given up using it - give it a try, you have nothing to loose! Personally I liked the flavoured liquid (Cherry and Cappuccino were my usual) and that way you wean off of tobacco flavours and nicotine eventually. I have been told the petrol station disposables are fairly good as well although I have never tried them myself.

Good luck.

cheers R believe it or not i've found a forum on "vaping" think i will get all my answers on there. :thumb:
Guys, I've removed the comments about whether smoking and or nicotine is good or bad for you - that was not the original question and is only likely to end in tears as feelings run very deep on this issue on both sides. :thumb:
ryanshelton said:
I have to say you may as well not bother with them. By the end of the year most places will have banned the use of them inside. The likes of weatherspoons already have along with the owners of westfield shopping centres. You still have to go to the designated smoking area to smoke them!

Blimey, I'd not heard about that :? - I can forsee some people getting very cross about it since it is not illegal to smoke an e-cig indoors - presumably the retailers simply say something along the lines of "we reserve the right to ...".
eskimobob said:
ryanshelton said:
I have to say you may as well not bother with them. By the end of the year most places will have banned the use of them inside. The likes of weatherspoons already have along with the owners of westfield shopping centres. You still have to go to the designated smoking area to smoke them!

Blimey, I'd not heard about that :? - I can forsee some people getting very cross about it since it is not illegal to smoke an e-cig indoors - presumably the retailers simply say something along the lines of "we reserve the right to ...".

It's only wetherspoons that I know of. Their reasoning was due to the size of most of their establishments, with no real doormen/security in operation throughout the pubs it was difficult to distinguish between people genuinely smoking e-cigarettes and people trying to smoke real cigarettes... trying to pass them off as e-cigarettes. I read about it a few weeks back.

Highly doubtful that it's going to spread over the next few years, only a few places are employing that policy and it's for the reasons outlined above... nothing to do with health concerns at all.

As always, the minority ruining it for the majority :)
I quit with E-Lites, I bought the starter kit for £26 when it was on groupon. This Tuesday will mark a year of me quitting.

Further to the E-Lites I read Allen Carrs an easy way to stop smoking, it was brilliant and helped a lot. I know it sounds strange that a book can help, but seriously try it, especially when you have nothing to lose!

Good luck!
RobWalker said:
e-lites are available in petrol stations, so i'd go for them...

I have been using a Titan Tank 510 for 15 months and much prefer it to real cigs. Also found myself preferring the sweet flavours over tobacco. Getting into mixing my own. It is much cheaper to buy the high nicotine juice and then water it down to an appropriate strength using glycol and glycerol . I go for the lucky dip bargain juice from Simply E Liquid and I reckon it costs me £27 per annum for juice and a few batteries and atomisers . Would avoid the disposable ones like the plague as they are expensive and taste ***** . Comparable to mass produced lager :mrgreen:
Many of the ones out there are cheap Chinese imports with no control over the chemicals. Have a look at Intellicig as they are made in Britain and work to pharmaceutical standards to ensure the chemicals that go in there are what they say they are.
"Totally Wicked Tornado Tank" it is that my mate uses. Not sure if that's the same one that everyone else is referencing?
thanks for all of your replies,found plenty on web but delivery charges make things that much dearer especially if i have to keep going back to them for refills etc, hard to find locally here as only licenced tabac's sell smoking stuff can't just pop in to local garage or supermarket for smoking products.
eskimobob said:
ScottM said:
"Totally Wicked Tornado Tank" it is that my mate uses. Not sure if that's the same one that everyone else is referencing?

Yep, that was the one I meant :thumb:

Some name eh lol. If it wasn't for this thread, if he had told me the name of it I would have thought he was at it :D
My sister has been using a brand of electronic ones, don't know which brand though and they have worked for her and she doesn't smoke real ones anymore. Just remember, if you go on holiday, the majority of airlines won't allow them, especially if they either light up or have a 'smoke' vapour. Thought I would just mention that as when I see their stalls in shopping centres they all say you can use them on planes, even though you can't (I know this as I work on planes and had many an argument with people that just won't accept the marketing for them is wrong).