grain crusher/mill

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New Member
Mar 3, 2011
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Hi all
i'm relatively new to brewing beer, i have done a few kits, but am looking to brew from scratch! and was wondering if anyone has used a coffee grinder as a grain crusher/mill? and does it have the same effect?
Hi there,
I've tried both the coffee grinder and an old mincer screwed to the work surface, both work but are as slow as a wet week end. In AG brewing you have to have somewhere around 5Kg of cracked grain to go into your mash. Grinding that lot would take a long time in a coffee grinder. I haven't tried it yet but I think a food processor might work better because of the amount you can grind in any one go would be larger.
get it already crushed from the Miller Man......

lifes too short to sit grinding grain.
I've always had good results from pre crushed grains. And once you see the amount you need, then I think you will change your mind about using the coffee grinder, unless you have an industrial version lying around. It might be okay for some of the small specialty grains you use small amounts of.
I have a LARGE coffee grinder (takes 1Kg at time in the hopper) and used to use it crush my grain. I now brew more regularly and just buy it pre-crushed.

I would offer to sell it to you, but a) its bloody heavy, and b) I don't know what it is worth!
There's a big difference between a grinder and a grain mill, a grinder grinds, a grain mill crushes through rollers and the results are completely different. Crushing your own grain it's important that you keep as much of the husk intact as possible as it helps to act as a filter bed in the mash tun, using a grinder can break the husk into smaller pieces so it's not ideal.
Having said that folk do use grinders as they tend to be a lot cheaper than a malt mill.
Mine uses two faces to grind against like a flour mill. As opposed to the "normal" coffee grinder which is like a liquidizer blade to chop up the beans.
Mine takes about 5 minutes to crush 3.5 kgs of maris otter. I think the crush is better than buying in ready crushed as the hand action is smoother than commercial machines. Mashes perfectly, I seem yo get clearer wort with this.

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