HBC Full Extract Citra Pale Ale

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Dec 9, 2020
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This was my 19th Brew. All my previous brews were from kits. And I was delighted with the results. I decided to try out a Full Extract Kit from The Homebrew Company. There was a few extra steps involved but it was an enjoyable process.
Brew started on 30/03/22. Steeped the grains for 30 mins in 2 litres of water at 67 degrees C. Rinsed the grains back into the pot with a further 2 litres of water at 80 degrees C. Added one of the cans of LME and brought the wort up to a rolling boil adding hops at 60, 30 and 0 mins and a warflock tablet was added with 15 mins to go. I then cooled the wort to 50 degrees C and added the second Can of LME, added it to the FV and topped the wort up to 23 litres with cold water reaching a temperature of 22 degrees C. Pitched the yeast and OG = 1.040
After just over 14 days the FG was steady at 1.008. I bottled the beer after transferring to a bottling bucket and batch priming the beer. After a further 2 weeks of secondary fermentation I brought the beers down to the garage to condition. I am just after sampling my first bottle now. I am delighted to report that the results are great. Really punchy Citra hop flavour. I am getting grapefruit and It is very similar to a Pink Grapefruit IPA, which I love. I am really happy with this and I have another 38 x 500ml bottles to look forward to. If like me you have done a few kits and want to try something different try a Full Extract Kit. It is a little cheaper than a premium kit and I think even better. The additional steps are easy to follow. I watched a couple of Videos on YouTube first and managed to do it with a very ordinary 9 litre stock pot.
I bought a Full Extract Hefe Wheat beer today along with a Mangrove Jacks Pink Grapefruit IPA which I’ll be putting on at the weekend.


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