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New Member
Mar 23, 2010
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I started 2 wines on Friday night
5 g california connoisseur
1g beaverdale
The problem is the 1g wine has been fermenting since Saturday but the 5g wine hasnt started fermenting yet. Am i being a bit impatient or do i have a problem?
Can anyone give me some advise please. :hmm:
I think you are been a bit impatient.......
Might have something to do with the amount of yeast.....cos I think the sachets of yeast are the same size for a 1 gallon kit as they are for a 5 gallon kit.
Only other thing that has happened to me is that the lid on the 5 gallon is not on tight and the gas from fermentation is escaping through there instead of blipping your airlock.
ricardo said:
I think you are been a bit impatient.......
Might have something to do with the amount of yeast.....cos I think the sachets of yeast are the same size for a 1 gallon kit as they are for a 5 gallon kit.
Only other thing that has happened to me is that the lid on the 5 gallon is not on tight and the gas from fermentation is escaping through there instead of blipping your airlock.

Thanks for that . The lid on FV is bulging so it could be the quantity of yeast.
Sounds good, they'll also be alot bigger void in a bucket than an Fv, it'll take longer to fill before bubbling through!

I'm sure most yeast sachets will ferment 25ltrs.

The yeast feeds on the dissolved oxygen before working on the sugars. Then once the liquor has as much CO2 it can absorb, the CO2 will start to bubble out. As it's 5 gall , it will take a little longer.
I'm surprised for a 5 gallon wine batch, the instructions don't ask you to make a starter for it 24 hours before you "pitch".

But from the other replies, it doesn't sound like you need to panic just yet ...