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wrapped in bacon

Active Member
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Third brew today
Plugged my water profile into thbf calculator
And then proceeded to add Epsom salts where Gypsum was called for
I didn't realise until I got to the actual Gypsum addition
What a complete fool :doh:
I'm guessing it must affect the beer with such a large dose of Magnesium?
But at least anyone who drinks it will be regular!! :whistle:
If it was 'CaCo3' I would 'Chalk It Up To Experiance' But I dont have an Mg jokes to hand.. :tongue:

I doubt it will do any undue harm. :thumb:

:clap: :lol:
That would have been pretty good!

I must over egg the Epsom salts again - fabulous brew :drink: