I Think My choice of domain name is causing me grief

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Sep 14, 2009
Reaction score
Sunny South Cheshire
Up to now this year I have had

1 email complaining my ginger beer was not gingery enough and the customer was disapointed
1 email complaining that there was evidence that I had used another brewery's cask to package and sell my ale.
Today I received an email from a largish north west brewery telling me that I was outstanding payment by several months in relation to over 100KG of yeast slurry.

Cheeky buggers, I never sold any booze yet, I only use king kegs and Youngs, and certainly don't buy ingredients on credit.

a quick 'foxtrot oscar' email I hope was sent?

The ginger beer one was the best, as I described my own fiery ginger beer and included the abv :shock:

& got a very pleasant reply asking me to contact them if i ever went commercial as it sounded just up their street.

It just surprises me that these people click on my site and send me complaints, demands in regard to a commercial brewer who I have no connection with, without reading the content on my site, (which is a bit thin to be honest have been lazy recently) It should be obvious from reading the home page I home brew.

There are too many people who get great glee from upsetting others (and worse).
ericstd said:
There are too many people who get great glee from upsetting others (and worse).

Upset I am not, too thick skinned for that, it takes a hell of a lot to upset me, If if anyone ever does they do know about it I make sure of it. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I am more surprised that people don't read simple information before deciding to hastle me is more to the point.

critch said:
thats cos their is already another bridestones brewery.....http://www.flockinale.com/the-bridestones-brewing

and people are too lazy to read your website as you say, they see the bridestone name and go at it full throttle!

Thanks Critch, I knew that I keep receiving demands for unpaid accounts for them and complaints about their products ;), d ye ken.

& I will put penny to a pinch of sh*t I have owned the domain name I use longer than they have been in business.

I did get a nice apology from thwaites today though & they added to contact them if I ever wanted to but any yeast slurry.

unclepumble said:
I did get a nice apology from thwaites today though & they added to contact them if I ever wanted to but any yeast slurry.


that's a bit cheeky, you would have thought they would have offered you some free out of courtesy for the inconvenience.
critch said:
thats cos their is already another bridestones brewery.....http://www.flockinale.com/the-bridestones-brewing

and people are too lazy to read your website as you say, they see the bridestone name and go at it full throttle!

Been on their website are they brewers or photographers?

I make picture frames for photographers and I am always looking for new leads, however with credit rating that poor I don't think I will bother :rofl: :rofl:


unclepumble said:
I did get a nice apology from thwaites today though & they added to contact them if I ever wanted to but any yeast slurry.

good yeast mate, lots of micro brewers in the northwest use it.