Is my brew ok?

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Active Member
Apr 3, 2013
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I've been brewing a coopers Australian lager and I'm aware the temp has been a bit Eratic recently. I had this in fv for around 2 weeks and now getting it ready to bottle however the brew has a really strong cider scent, like apples or pears!
Is this because the temp was high at times? Has the brew gone bad?

The temp reached 27 degrees at one point however I tried to get this down and it only spent a day or 2 at this high temp

Would the smell show its now no good?

Thanks all
Could be the high temperatures, that will give you "fruity" esters in there.

Should be safe enough (assuming of course there's no skin or film) and it'll be beer. It probably won't be the cleanest or crispest lager you've ever drunk though...

Get it bottled and get another one on!
Probably a bit fruity, but the yeast should drop out well enough. I had a 'warm' wherry with 1kg dark spraymalt, and it has an interesting orange-ish finish. Quite nice actually
I think Coopers use their ale yeast in lager. As far as I know the yeast is capable of brewing at high temps producing fruity flavors. At lower temps it would produce a cleaner flavor. While fruity flavors aren't usually desirable in a lager which should be clean tasting I think you'll probably get an interesting brew out of it. Let it condition for a while and I reckon it will taste good.