Italiano Steeliano

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Some cracking shiny with nice prices :thumb:

As usual I've no idea, but would imagine its all aimed at olive production. Some of the 300ltr vessel look similar to brewers gear with big wallets
And I've bought the 110l one :)

Just finished a days brewing and got it in the new conical now. The conical is well made and the steel seems so far good quality. The valve fittings are solid machined steel too and feel "heavy" and smooth to operate. Had to re-fit the lid seal back on as the original glue had weakened and separated. Apparently this happens on all of the concial lids. This meant rubbing & scraping the old glue off both the seal and lid, then I bought some Fernox LSx leak sealer which is a potable (food grade) silicone sealant and used it as a glue to re-attach the seal. The only problem was that although it had 12 hours to cure (1 hour set time) I rested the lid back on the fermentor this morning, and in the afternoon removed it to clean the conical and nearly got knocked out by the acid fumes created from the curing silicone! - ended up sealing the lid with a layer of plastic sheet imbetween to stop the fumes getting through to the wort!
Oh and nearly forgot had to drill, q-max and dremmel a hole for an airlock as the original hole in the lid had been re-welded shut! - Italians hey!
This is where they actually come from by the way...
obviously I haven't used it enough to tell you if it performs well or whats good or bad about it but I have high hopes :D
I'll do a full review in a week or so after the kegging stage and let you know my thoughts.
I'll just leave this here for you to droooool over :D
Size = 110l
cost = £379 (picked up, no delivery)
all the other info will be divulged after testing and reviewing...keep eyes peeled in one week for the post (I'll even put pics and videos as I know you all like them so much :D
beermonsta said:
And I've bought the 110l one :)
I'll just leave this here for you to droooool over :D

I notice it's in front of the fire in the living room :thumb:

...... got to look after 'em ;) although I'm slightly surprised it hasn't got it's own armchair in front of the telly :lol: :lol: :lol:
Don't do it baz :twisted: :twisted:

Their comming to get you haha the shiny's coming to get you hehe :lol: :lol:

And look no DIY involved :hmm: :hmm:


graysalchemy said:
Don't do it baz :twisted: :twisted:

Their comming to get you haha the shiny's coming to get you hehe :lol: :lol:

And look no DIY involved :hmm: :hmm:



:lol: :lol: :lol: unfortunately there's another consideration there, cost :oops:

My pension won't run to them prices for a piece of brewing kit I'm afraid :roll:
What is annoying / lucky is that I could have had a beautify shiny conical brother for connor if only beer monster had posted this last week :twisted: :twisted: :hmm: :cry: :cry:
Aleman said:
What is annoying / lucky is that I could have had a beautify shiny conical brother for connor if only beer monster had posted this last week :twisted: :twisted: :hmm: :cry: :cry:

Would you not be better getting connor used in anger before investing in another?

Mines sitting empty in the garage too much as well :(

Baz Chaz said:
I notice it's in front of the fire in the living room :thumb:

...... got to look after 'em ;) although I'm slightly surprised it hasn't got it's own armchair in front of the telly :lol: :lol: :lol:

I had only just bought it! Hence it's location. You might actually notice my armchair next to it, so that I could sit and admire all it's glorious shineyness :rofl: :roll: :whistle:
(I promise you I wasn't going to use the wood/coal burner as a method of temperature control :shock: :D )

Here's a sneaky peek of her in action so far...
and... note of my comments below the video - I felt like a right numpty when the penny dropped :wha: :lol:
Ooops, So sorry Bones, forgot I said I would post a follow up!
I've been away for a while, but I'm back :D !

So since last post I've had a Timothy Taylor (brewed using the real yeast don't you know!) in the conical - the results of which are almost drained from my Cornies. A nice fruity tasting ale.

After that me and my brew buddie decided to make a riggwelter. Unfortunately we brew to the same capacity (66litres) and forgot the extra strength would increase the malt bill to the point where it filled my 50l thermos pot to capacity (and the real unfortunate thing was that was without the strike liqour :( )
Anyhoo, the end result was a seriously stiff mash (ooo-errr missus) and a rediculously low conversion of about half the OG that was expected. Riggwelter was re-named to weak-welter.
Lesson learnt. The a bigger thermos pot :D next up making my 80litre thermos pot into a mash tun. (This means I will have a complete stainless brewery spare soon to sell - get the word out if you know someone interested!)

Ey - how did I get side tracked? back to the point. The conical was used for the weak welter and has performed perfectly so far. Dropping of the trub is child play and I laugh at the hours spent cleaning and sanitising a secondary FV for transfer. Taking samples is just as much a doddle. I've also found that the CO2 gas line jams in the air lock bubbler grommet perfectly so when taking samples and pulling yeast I replace the lost volume inside with CO2 so no chance of bacteria being drawn in or air oxidising my beer.
In fact I've left the weak welter in there to condition whilst I torture myself emptying some cornies :)

Oh, I nearly forgot, I didn't mention how I cleaned the concial. I decided to buy a steam wall paper stripper which I used to weaken the krausen ring which made a quick rub down with a sponge very easy. Next I used the hoze to blast steam at the inside of the valves which cleaned out trapped yeast. Finally I wondered how hot it would get inside with the steam so I left the hoze inside and put the lid on loose. I then came back 20 mins later and used my digital thermometer pressed against the outside at various points and registered 80'C. So inside must have been hotter. This must be hot enough to sanitise effectively.

Now I am in the middle of striping a fridge to its bare components and reassembling it into a larger fridge or "temperatute controlled fermenting cupboard" controlled by an ATC800+ which will accomodate the Conical fermenter. By the way, if your stressed, ripping a fridges guts out (I wanted to say bastardising but I didn't want to swear :D) is great fun. Geese, that insulating foam inside bonds to everything!
Here's a sneak peek...



kingspan insulation is due to be picked up tomorrow (good 'ol fleabay) and I'll get some PAR wood to knock a frame together.
Anyone got any recommendations for a suitable glue? epoxy is probably too expensive, I've got some contact adhesive but numb-nuts here bought the usless 24-years-to-dry water based stuff instead of destroy the environment whilst getting mildly high VOC aka "the good stuff" evo-stick impact adhesive.

Still to decide upon the, CHE, blow ...hmmm.
I know I want a fan in there to blow the warm/cold air around to maintain an even temperature.

For prices bones, have a look at Home Brew Shop in Stockport.